Example of plugin parameters in yaml format


     visibility: basic
     dtype: [float, str]
     description: Centre of rotation to use for the
     default: 0.0
     example: It could be a scalar, a list, or a file
      containing centre of rotations

     visibility: advanced
     dtype: [str,None,list]
     description: Dataset to use as volume initialiser
       (does not currently work with preview)
     default: 'None'
     example: "Type the name of the initialised dataset
       e.g. ['tomo']"

     visibility: intermediate
     dtype: [float,bool]
     description: Pad the sinogram to centre it in order
       to fill the reconstructed volume ROI for asthetic
     warning: This will significantly increase the size of
       the data and the time to compute the reconstruction)
       Only available for selected algorithms and will be
       ignored otherwise.
     default: false
       algorithm: [FP_CUDA, FBP_CUDA, BP_CUDA, FP, FBP, BP]
     example: 'Is it a scalar or a list?'

     visibility: intermediate
     dtype: [bool,float]
     description: 'Pad the sinogram width to fill the
       reconstructed volume for asthetic purposes. Choose
       from True (defaults to sqrt(2)), False or
       float <= 2.1.'
     warning: This will increase the size of the data and
       the time to compute the reconstruction. Only available
       for selected algorithms and will be ignored otherwise.
     default: false
       algorithm: [FP_CUDA, FBP_CUDA, BP_CUDA, FP, FBP, BP]
     visibility: advanced
     dtype: bool
        summary: 'Take the log of the data before reconstruction (true or false).'
        verbose: 'Should be set to false if PaganinFilter is set beforehand'
     default: true
     example: Set to True to take the log of the data before reconstruction

     visibility: advanced
     dtype: preview
     description: A slice list of required frames.
     default: '[]'
     example: "[angle, detectorZ, detectorY], where detectorZ is the vertical coordinate,
       detectorY is the horizontal coordinate."

     visibility: intermediate
     dtype: [list[None,None],list[int,int]]
     description: Set any values in the reconstructed image
       outside of this range to zero.
     default: '[None, None]'
     example: '[0,1]'

     visibility: intermediate
     dtype: float
     description: Ratio of the masks diameter in pixels to
       the smallest edge size along given axis.
     default: 0.95
     example: 'Is this a proper name for this parameter?
       Would mask_diameter or mask_circle be more accurate?'

     visibility: advanced
     dtype: str
     description: Override the default log function
     default: np.nan_to_num(-np.log(sino))
     example: You write a function as default

     visibility: basic
     dtype: [str, int]
       summary: Override the size of the reconstruction
         volume with an integer value.
       verbose: 'When fixed, you get the dimension of the horizontal
         detector or you can specify any reconstruction size you like
         with an integer.'
     default: fixed