Source code for

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
import pandas as pd
import h5py as h5
import numpy as np

[docs]class StatsUtils(object): _pattern_dict = {"projection": ["SINOGRAM", "PROJECTION", "TANGENTOGRAM", "4D_SCAN", "SINOMOVIE"], "reconstruction": ["VOLUME_YZ", "VOLUME_XZ", "VOLUME_XY", "VOLUME_3D"]} _stats_key = ["max", "min", "mean", "mean_std_dev", "median_std_dev", "NRMSD"] plt.set_loglevel('WARNING')
[docs] def generate_figures(self, filepath, savepath): f = h5.File(filepath, 'r') stats_dict, index_list, times_dict = self._get_dicts_for_graphs(f) loop_stats, loop_plugins = self._get_dicts_for_loops(f) f.close() #self.make_loop_graphs(loop_stats, loop_plugins, savepath) table_index_list = index_list for i in range(len(loop_plugins)): for space in list(table_index_list.keys()): for j, plugin in enumerate(table_index_list[space]): for loop_plugin in loop_plugins[i]: if loop_plugin == plugin[3::]: table_index_list[space][j] = f"{table_index_list[space][j]} (loop{i})" self.make_stats_table(stats_dict, table_index_list, f"{savepath}/stats_table.html") for p_num in list(times_dict.keys()): for p_name in index_list["projection"] + index_list["reconstruction"]: if p_num == p_name[0]: times_dict[p_name] = times_dict.pop(p_num) self.make_times_figure(times_dict, f"{savepath}/times_chart.png") if len(stats_dict["projection"]["max"]): self.make_stats_graphs(stats_dict["projection"], index_list["projection"], "Projection Stats", f"{savepath}/projection_stats.png") if len(stats_dict["reconstruction"]["max"]): self.make_stats_graphs(stats_dict["reconstruction"], index_list["reconstruction"], "Reconstruction Stats", f"{savepath}/reconstruction_stats.png")
[docs] @staticmethod def make_stats_table(stats_dict, index_list, savepath): stats_dict_copy = {} for space, value in stats_dict.items(): stats_dict_copy[space] = value.copy() for stat in list(stats_dict["projection"].keys()): if all(value is None for value in stats_dict["projection"][stat]) and all(value is None for value in stats_dict["reconstruction"][stat]): del stats_dict_copy["projection"][stat] del stats_dict_copy["reconstruction"][stat] p_stats = pd.DataFrame(stats_dict_copy["projection"], index_list["projection"]) r_stats = pd.DataFrame(stats_dict_copy["reconstruction"], index_list["reconstruction"]) all_stats = pd.concat([p_stats, r_stats], keys=["Projection", "Reconstruction"]) all_stats.to_html(savepath) # create table of stats for all plugins
[docs] def make_loop_graphs(self, loop_stats, loop_plugins, savepath): for i in range(len(loop_stats)): y = loop_stats[i]["NRMSD"] #x = list(range(1, len(loop_stats[i]["RMSD"]) + 1)) x = [None]*len(y) for j in range(len(loop_stats[i]["NRMSD"])): x[j] = f"{j}-{j+1}" ax = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 9), dpi=320).gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) #ax.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=j + 1) ax.grid(True) plt.plot(x, y) maxx = j maxy = max(y) plt.title("NRMSD over loop 0") text = f"Loop 0 iterates {maxx + 2} times over:\n" for plugin in loop_plugins[i]: text += f"{plugin}\n" plt.xlabel("Iteration") plt.ylabel("NRMSD") plt.text(maxx, maxy, text, ha="right", va="top", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor="red", alpha=0.4)) plt.savefig(f"{savepath}/loop_stats{i}.png", bbox_inches="tight")
[docs] def make_stats_graphs(self, stats_dict, index_list, title, savepath): stats_df = pd.DataFrame(stats_dict, index_list) stats_dict, array_plugins = self._remove_arrays(stats_dict, index_list) stats_df_new = pd.DataFrame(stats_dict, index_list) colours = ["red", "blue", "green", "black", "purple", "brown"] #max, min, mean, mean std dev, median std dev, NRMSD new_index = [] legend = "" for ind in stats_df_new.index: new_index.append(ind[0]) # change x ticks to only be plugin numbers rather than names (for space) legend += f"{ind}\n" # This will form a key showing the plugin names corresponding to plugin numbers stats_df_new.index = new_index fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(11, 9), dpi=320, facecolor="lavender") i = 0 for row in ax: for axis in row: stat = self._stats_key[i] axis.plot(stats_df_new[stat], "x-", color=colours[i]) for plugin in array_plugins: # adding 'error' bars for plugins with multiple values if stats_df[stat][plugin] is not None: if not np.isnan(stats_df[stat][plugin]).any(): my_max = max(stats_df[stat][plugin]) my_min = min(stats_df[stat][plugin]) middle = (my_max + my_min) / 2 my_range = my_max - my_min axis.errorbar(list(stats_df_new.index).index(plugin[0]), middle, yerr=[my_range / 2], capsize=5) if i == 1: maxx = len(stats_df_new[stat]) * 1.08 - 1 maxy = max(stats_df_new[stat]) axis.text(maxx, maxy, legend, ha="left", va="top", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor="red", alpha=0.4)) stat = stat.replace("_", " ") axis.set_title(stat) axis.grid(True) i += 1 fig.suptitle(title, fontsize="x-large") plt.savefig(savepath, bbox_inches="tight")
[docs] def make_times_figure(self, times_dict, savepath): colors = plt.get_cmap('Blues')(np.linspace(0.2, 0.7, len(list(times_dict.keys())))) fig, ax = plt.subplots() total = sum(list(times_dict.values())) ax.pie(list(times_dict.values()), labels=list(times_dict.keys()), autopct=lambda pct: self._get_times_pct(pct, total), counterclock=False, startangle=90, colors=colors, radius=3, center=(4, 4), wedgeprops={"linewidth": 1, "edgecolor": "white"}) fig.suptitle("Plugin Times", x=0.1, y=1.4, horizontalalignment="right", fontsize="x-large") plt.savefig(savepath, bbox_inches="tight")
@staticmethod def _get_times_pct(pct, total): absolute = (pct/100)*total return f"{round(pct, 1)}%\n{round(absolute, 1)} (s)" @staticmethod def _get_dicts_for_graphs(file): stats_dict = {} stats_dict["projection"] = {"max": [], "min": [], "mean": [], "mean_std_dev": [], "median_std_dev": [], "NRMSD": [], "zeros": [], "zeros%": [], "time (s)": []} stats_dict["reconstruction"] = {"max": [], "min": [], "mean": [], "mean_std_dev": [], "median_std_dev": [], "NRMSD": [], "zeros": [], "zeros%": [], "time (s)": []} index_list = {"projection": [], "reconstruction": []} times_dict = {} group = file["stats"] for space in ("projection", "reconstruction"): for index, stat in enumerate(["max", "min", "mean", "mean_std_dev", "median_std_dev", "NRMSD", "zeros", "zeros%"]): for p_num in list(group.keys()): if group[p_num].attrs.get("pattern") in StatsUtils._pattern_dict[space]: if f"{p_num}: {group[p_num].attrs.get('plugin_name')}" not in index_list[space]: index_list[space].append(f"{p_num}: {group[p_num].attrs.get('plugin_name')}") if group[p_num].ndim == 1: stats_key = list(group[p_num].attrs.get("stats_key")) if stat in stats_key: stats_dict[space][stat].append(group[p_num][stats_key.index(stat)]) else: stats_dict[space][stat].append(None) elif group[p_num].ndim == 2: stats_key = list(group[p_num].attrs.get("stats_key")) if stat in stats_key: stats_dict[space][stat].append(group[p_num][:, stats_key.index(stat)]) else: stats_dict[space][stat].append(None) for p_num in list(group.keys()): if group[p_num].attrs.get("pattern") in StatsUtils._pattern_dict[space]: stats_dict[space]["time (s)"].append(group[p_num].attrs.get("time")) for plugin in list(group.keys()): if group[plugin].attrs.get("time") is not None: times_dict[plugin] = group[plugin].attrs.get("time") return stats_dict, index_list, times_dict @staticmethod def _get_dicts_for_loops(file): if "iterative" in list(file.keys()): group = file["iterative"] loop_stats = [] loop_plugins = [] for key in list(group.keys()): loop_stats.append({"NRMSD": list(group[key])}) loop_plugins.append(group[key].attrs.get("loop_plugins")) return loop_stats, loop_plugins else: return [], [] @staticmethod def _remove_arrays(stats_dict, index_list): array_plugins = set(()) for stat in list(stats_dict.keys()): for index, value in enumerate(stats_dict[stat]): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): stats_dict[stat][index] = stats_dict[stat][index][0] array_plugins.add(index_list[index]) return stats_dict, array_plugins