Source code for

.. module:: statistics
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Contains and processes statistics information for each plugin.

.. moduleauthor::Jacob Williamson <>

import logging

from savu.plugins.savers.utils.hdf5_utils import Hdf5Utils
from import StatsUtils
from savu.core.iterate_plugin_group_utils import check_if_in_iterative_loop
import savu.core.utils as cu

import time
import h5py as h5
import numpy as np
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]class Statistics(object): _pattern_list = ["SINOGRAM", "PROJECTION", "TANGENTOGRAM", "VOLUME_YZ", "VOLUME_XZ", "VOLUME_XY", "VOLUME_3D", "4D_SCAN", "SINOMOVIE"] _no_stats_plugins = ["BasicOperations", "Mipmap", "UnetApply"] _possible_stats = ("max", "min", "mean", "mean_std_dev", "median_std_dev", "NRMSD", "zeros", "zeros%", "range_used") # list of possible stats _volume_to_slice = {"max": "max", "min": "min", "mean": "mean", "mean_std_dev": "std_dev", "median_std_dev": "std_dev", "NRMSD": ("RSS", "data_points", "max", "min"), "zeros": ("zeros", "data_points"), "zeros%": ("zeros", "data_points"), "range_used": ("min", "max")} # volume stat: required slice stat(s) #_savers = ["Hdf5Saver", "ImageSaver", "MrcSaver", "TiffSaver", "XrfSaver"] _has_setup = False def __init__(self): self.calc_stats = True self.stats_before_processing = {'max': [], 'min': [], 'mean': [], 'std_dev': []} self.residuals = {'max': [], 'min': [], 'mean': [], 'std_dev': []} self._repeat_count = 0 self.plugin = None self.p_num = None self.stats_key = ["max", "min", "mean", "mean_std_dev", "median_std_dev", "RMSD"] self.slice_stats_key = None self.stats = None self.GPU = False self._iterative_group = None
[docs] def setup(self, plugin_self, pattern=None): if not Statistics._has_setup: self._setup_class(plugin_self.exp) self.plugin_name = self.p_num = Statistics.count self.plugin = plugin_self self.set_stats_key(self.stats_key) self.stats = {stat: [] for stat in self.slice_stats_key} if in Statistics._no_stats_plugins: self.calc_stats = False if self.calc_stats: self._pad_dims = [] self._already_called = False if pattern is not None: self.pattern = pattern else: self._set_pattern_info() if self.calc_stats: Statistics._any_stats = True self._setup_4d() self._setup_iterative()
def _setup_iterative(self): self._iterative_group = check_if_in_iterative_loop(Statistics.exp) if self._iterative_group: if self._iterative_group.start_index == Statistics.count: Statistics._loop_counter += 1 Statistics.loop_stats.append({"NRMSD": np.array([])}) self.l_num = Statistics._loop_counter - 1 def _setup_4d(self): try: in_dataset, out_dataset = self.plugin.get_datasets() if in_dataset[0].data_info["nDims"] == 4 and len(out_dataset) != 0: self._4d = True shape = out_dataset[0].data_info["shape"] self._volume_total_points = 1 for i in shape[:-1]: self._volume_total_points *= i else: self._4d = False except KeyError: self._4d = False @classmethod def _setup_class(cls, exp): """Sets up the statistics class for the whole plugin chain (only called once)""" if exp.meta_data.get("stats") == "on": cls._stats_flag = True elif exp.meta_data.get("stats") == "off": cls._stats_flag = False cls._any_stats = False cls.exp = exp cls.count = 2 cls.global_stats = {} cls.global_times = {} cls.loop_stats = [] cls.n_plugins = len(exp.meta_data.plugin_list.plugin_list) for i in range(1, cls.n_plugins + 1): cls.global_stats[i] = {} cls.global_times[i] = 0 cls.global_residuals = {} cls.plugin_numbers = {} cls.plugin_names = {} cls._loop_counter = 0 cls.path = exp.meta_data['out_path'] if cls.path[-1] == '/': cls.path = cls.path[0:-1] cls.path = f"{cls.path}/stats" if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(cls.path): os.mkdir(cls.path) cls._has_setup = True
[docs] def get_stats(self, p_num=None, stat=None, instance=-1): """Returns stats associated with a certain plugin, given the plugin number (its place in the process list). :param p_num: Plugin number of the plugin whose associated stats are being fetched. If p_num <= 0, it is relative to the plugin number of the current plugin being run. E.g current plugin number = 5, p_num = -2 --> will return stats of the third plugin. By default will gather stats for the current plugin. :param stat: Specify the stat parameter you want to fetch, i.e 'max', 'mean', 'median_std_dev'. If left blank will return the whole dictionary of stats: {'max': , 'min': , 'mean': , 'mean_std_dev': , 'median_std_dev': , 'NRMSD': } :param instance: In cases where there are multiple set of stats associated with a plugin due to iterative loops or multi-parameters, specify which set you want to retrieve, i.e 3 to retrieve the stats associated with the third run of a plugin. Pass 'all' to get a list of all sets. By default will retrieve the most recent set. """ if p_num is None: p_num = self.p_num if p_num <= 0: try: p_num = self.p_num + p_num except TypeError: p_num = Statistics.count + p_num if instance == "all": stats_list = [self.get_stats(p_num, stat=stat, instance=1)] n = 2 while n <= len(Statistics.global_stats[p_num]): stats_list.append(self.get_stats(p_num, stat=stat, instance=n)) n += 1 return stats_list if instance > 0: instance -= 1 stats_dict = Statistics.global_stats[p_num][instance] if stat is not None: return stats_dict[stat] else: return stats_dict
[docs] def get_stats_from_name(self, plugin_name, n=None, stat=None, instance=-1): """Returns stats associated with a certain plugin. :param plugin_name: name of the plugin whose associated stats are being fetched. :param n: In a case where there are multiple instances of **plugin_name** in the process list, specify the nth instance. Not specifying will select the first (or only) instance. :param stat: Specify the stat parameter you want to fetch, i.e 'max', 'mean', 'median_std_dev'. If left blank will return the whole dictionary of stats: {'max': , 'min': , 'mean': , 'mean_std_dev': , 'median_std_dev': , 'NRMSD': } :param instance: In cases where there are multiple set of stats associated with a plugin due to iterative loops or multi-parameters, specify which set you want to retrieve, i.e 3 to retrieve the stats associated with the third run of a plugin. Pass 'all' to get a list of all sets. By default will retrieve the most recent set. """ name = plugin_name if n not in (None, 0, 1): name = name + str(n) p_num = Statistics.plugin_numbers[name] return self.get_stats(p_num, stat, instance)
[docs] def get_stats_from_dataset(self, dataset, stat=None, instance=-1): """Returns stats associated with a dataset. :param dataset: The dataset whose associated stats are being fetched. :param stat: Specify the stat parameter you want to fetch, i.e 'max', 'mean', 'median_std_dev'. If left blank will return the whole dictionary of stats: {'max': , 'min': , 'mean': , 'mean_std_dev': , 'median_std_dev': , 'NRMSD': } :param instance: In cases where there are multiple set of stats associated with a dataset due to iterative loops or multi-parameters, specify which set you want to retrieve, i.e 3 to retrieve the stats associated with the third run of a plugin. Pass 'all' to get a list of all sets. By default will retrieve the most recent set. """ stats_list = [dataset.meta_data.get("stats")] n = 2 while ("stats" + str(n)) in list(dataset.meta_data.get_dictionary().keys()): stats_list.append(dataset.meta_data.get("stats" + str(n))) n += 1 if stat: for i in range(len(stats_list)): stats_list[i] = stats_list[i][stat] if instance in (None, 0, 1): stats = stats_list[0] elif instance == "all": stats = stats_list else: if instance >= 2: instance -= 1 stats = stats_list[instance] return stats
[docs] def set_stats_key(self, stats_key): """Changes which stats are to be calculated for the current plugin. :param stats_key: List of stats to be calculated. """ valid = Statistics._possible_stats stats_key = sorted(set(valid).intersection(stats_key), key=lambda stat: valid.index(stat)) self.stats_key = stats_key self.slice_stats_key = list(set(self._flatten(list(Statistics._volume_to_slice[stat] for stat in stats_key)))) if "data_points" not in self.slice_stats_key: self.slice_stats_key.append("data_points") # Data points is essential
[docs] def set_slice_stats(self, my_slice, base_slice=None, pad=True): """Sets slice stats for the current slice. :param my_slice: The slice whose stats are being set. :param base_slice: Provide a base slice to calculate residuals from, to calculate RMSD. :param pad: Specify whether slice is padded or not (usually can leave as True even if slice is not padded). """ my_slice = self._de_list(my_slice) if 0 not in my_slice.shape: try: slice_stats = self.calc_slice_stats(my_slice, base_slice=base_slice, pad=pad) except: pass if slice_stats is not None: for key, value in slice_stats.items(): self.stats[key].append(value) if self._4d: if sum(self.stats["data_points"]) >= self._volume_total_points: self.set_volume_stats() else: self.calc_stats = False else: self.calc_stats = False
[docs] def calc_slice_stats(self, my_slice, base_slice=None, pad=True): """Calculates and returns slice stats for the current slice. :param my_slice: The slice whose stats are being calculated. :param base_slice: Provide a base slice to calculate residuals from, to calculate RMSD. :param pad: Specify whether slice is padded or not (usually can leave as True even if slice is not padded). """ if my_slice is not None: my_slice = self._de_list(my_slice) if pad: my_slice = self._unpad_slice(my_slice) slice_stats = {} if "max" in self.slice_stats_key: slice_stats["max"] = np.amax(my_slice).astype('float64') if "min" in self.slice_stats_key: slice_stats["min"] = np.amin(my_slice).astype('float64') if "mean" in self.slice_stats_key: slice_stats["mean"] = np.mean(my_slice) if "std_dev" in self.slice_stats_key: slice_stats["std_dev"] = np.std(my_slice) if "zeros" in self.slice_stats_key: slice_stats["zeros"] = self.calc_zeros(my_slice) if "data_points" in self.slice_stats_key: slice_stats["data_points"] = my_slice.size if "RSS" in self.slice_stats_key and base_slice is not None: base_slice = self._de_list(base_slice) base_slice = self._unpad_slice(base_slice) slice_stats["RSS"] = self.calc_rss(my_slice, base_slice) if "dtype" not in self.stats: self.stats["dtype"] = my_slice.dtype return slice_stats return None
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_zeros(my_slice): return my_slice.size - np.count_nonzero(my_slice)
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_rss(array1, array2): # residual sum of squares if array1.shape == array2.shape: residuals = np.subtract(array1, array2) rss = np.sum(residuals.flatten() ** 2) else: logging.debug("Cannot calculate RSS, arrays different sizes.") rss = None return rss
[docs] @staticmethod def rmsd_from_rss(rss, n): return np.sqrt(rss/n)
[docs] def calc_rmsd(self, array1, array2): if array1.shape == array2.shape: rss = self.calc_rss(array1, array2) rmsd = self.rmsd_from_rss(rss, array1.size) else: logging.error("Cannot calculate RMSD, arrays different sizes.") rmsd = None return rmsd
[docs] def calc_stats_residuals(self, stats_before, stats_after): # unused residuals = {'max': None, 'min': None, 'mean': None, 'std_dev': None} for key in list(residuals.keys()): residuals[key] = stats_after[key] - stats_before[key] return residuals
[docs] def set_stats_residuals(self, residuals): # unused self.residuals['max'].append(residuals['max']) self.residuals['min'].append(residuals['min']) self.residuals['mean'].append(residuals['mean']) self.residuals['std_dev'].append(residuals['std_dev'])
[docs] def calc_volume_stats(self, slice_stats): """Calculates and returns volume-wide stats from slice-wide stats. :param slice_stats: The slice-wide stats that the volume-wide stats are calculated from. """ slice_stats = slice_stats volume_stats = {} if "max" in self.stats_key: volume_stats["max"] = max(slice_stats["max"]) if "min" in self.stats_key: volume_stats["min"] = min(slice_stats["min"]) if "mean" in self.stats_key: volume_stats["mean"] = np.mean(slice_stats["mean"]) if "mean_std_dev" in self.stats_key: volume_stats["mean_std_dev"] = np.mean(slice_stats["std_dev"]) if "median_std_dev" in self.stats_key: volume_stats["median_std_dev"] = np.median(slice_stats["std_dev"]) if "NRMSD" in self.stats_key and None not in slice_stats["RSS"]: total_rss = sum(slice_stats["RSS"]) n = sum(slice_stats["data_points"]) RMSD = self.rmsd_from_rss(total_rss, n) the_range = volume_stats["max"] - volume_stats["min"] NRMSD = RMSD / the_range # normalised RMSD (dividing by the range) volume_stats["NRMSD"] = NRMSD if "zeros" in self.stats_key: volume_stats["zeros"] = sum(slice_stats["zeros"]) if "zeros%" in self.stats_key: volume_stats["zeros%"] = (volume_stats["zeros"] / sum(slice_stats["data_points"])) * 100 if "range_used" in self.stats_key: my_range = volume_stats["max"] - volume_stats["min"] if "int" in str(self.stats["dtype"]): possible_max = np.iinfo(self.stats["dtype"]).max possible_min = np.iinfo(self.stats["dtype"]).min self.stats["possible_max"] = possible_max self.stats["possible_min"] = possible_min elif "float" in str(self.stats["dtype"]): possible_max = np.finfo(self.stats["dtype"]).max possible_min = np.finfo(self.stats["dtype"]).min self.stats["possible_max"] = possible_max self.stats["possible_min"] = possible_min possible_range = possible_max - possible_min volume_stats["range_used"] = (my_range / possible_range) * 100 return volume_stats
def _set_loop_stats(self): # NEED TO CHANGE THIS - MUST USE SLICES (unused) data_obj1 = list(self._iterative_group._ip_data_dict["iterating"].keys())[0] data_obj2 = self._iterative_group._ip_data_dict["iterating"][data_obj1] RMSD = self.calc_rmsd(, the_range = self.get_stats(self.p_num, stat="max", instance=self._iterative_group._ip_iteration) -\ self.get_stats(self.p_num, stat="min", instance=self._iterative_group._ip_iteration) NRMSD = RMSD/the_range Statistics.loop_stats[self.l_num]["NRMSD"] = np.append(Statistics.loop_stats[self.l_num]["NRMSD"], NRMSD)
[docs] def set_volume_stats(self): """Calculates volume-wide statistics from slice stats, and updates class-wide arrays with these values. Links volume stats with the output dataset and writes slice stats to file. """ stats = self.stats comm = self.plugin.get_communicator() combined_stats = self._combine_mpi_stats(stats, comm=comm) if not self.p_num: self.p_num = Statistics.count p_num = self.p_num name = self.plugin_name i = 2 if not self._iterative_group: while name in list(Statistics.plugin_numbers.keys()): name = self.plugin_name + str(i) i += 1 elif self._iterative_group._ip_iteration == 0: while name in list(Statistics.plugin_numbers.keys()): name = self.plugin_name + str(i) i += 1 if p_num not in list(Statistics.plugin_names.keys()): Statistics.plugin_names[p_num] = name Statistics.plugin_numbers[name] = p_num if len(combined_stats['max']) != 0: stats_dict = self.calc_volume_stats(combined_stats) Statistics.global_residuals[p_num] = {} #before_processing = self.calc_volume_stats(self.stats_before_processing) #for key in list(before_processing.keys()): # Statistics.global_residuals[p_num][key] = Statistics.global_stats[p_num][key] - before_processing[key] if len(Statistics.global_stats[p_num]) == 0: Statistics.global_stats[p_num] = [stats_dict] else: Statistics.global_stats[p_num].append(stats_dict) self._link_stats_to_datasets(stats_dict, self._iterative_group) self._write_stats_to_file(p_num, comm=comm) self._already_called = True self._repeat_count += 1 if self._iterative_group or self._4d: self.stats = {stat: [] for stat in self.slice_stats_key}
[docs] def start_time(self): """Called at the start of a plugin.""" self.t0 = time.time()
[docs] def stop_time(self): """Called at the ebd of a plugin.""" self.t1 = time.time() elapsed = round(self.t1 - self.t0, 1) if self._stats_flag and self.calc_stats: self.set_time(elapsed)
[docs] def set_time(self, seconds): """Sets time taken for plugin to complete.""" Statistics.global_times[self.p_num] += seconds # Gives total time for a plugin in a loop #print(f"{self.p_num}, {seconds}") comm = self.plugin.get_communicator() try: rank = comm.rank except (MPI.Exception, AttributeError): # Sometimes get_communicator() returns an invalid communicator. comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD # So using COMM_WORLD in this case. self._write_times_to_file(comm)
[docs] def _combine_mpi_stats(self, slice_stats, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD): """Combines slice stats from different processes, so volume stats can be calculated. :param slice_stats: slice stats (each process will have a different set). :param comm: MPI communicator being used. """ combined_stats_list = comm.allgather(slice_stats) combined_stats = {stat: [] for stat in self.slice_stats_key} for single_stats in combined_stats_list: for key in self.slice_stats_key: combined_stats[key] += single_stats[key] return combined_stats
def _array_to_dict(self, stats_array, key_list=None): """Converts an array of stats to a dictionary of stats. :param stats_array: Array of stats to be converted. :param key_list: List of keys indicating the names of the stats in the stats_array. """ if key_list is None: key_list = self.stats_key stats_dict = {} for i, value in enumerate(stats_array): stats_dict[key_list[i]] = value return stats_dict def _dict_to_array(self, stats_dict): """Converts stats dict into a numpy array (keys will be lost). :param stats_dict: dictionary of stats. """ return np.array(list(stats_dict.values())) def _broadcast_gpu_stats(self, gpu_processes, process): """During GPU plugins, most processes are unused, and don't have access to stats. This method shares stats between processes so all have access to stats. :param gpu_processes: List that determines whether a process is a GPU process. :param process: Process number. """ p_num = self.p_num Statistics.global_stats[p_num] = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(Statistics.global_stats[p_num], root=0) if not gpu_processes[process]: if len(Statistics.global_stats[p_num]) != 0: for stats_dict in Statistics.global_stats[p_num]: self._link_stats_to_datasets(stats_dict, self._iterative_group) def _set_pattern_info(self): """Gathers information about the pattern of the data in the current plugin.""" out_datasets = self.plugin.get_out_datasets() if len(out_datasets) == 0: self.calc_stats = False try: self.pattern = self.plugin.parameters['pattern'] if self.pattern == None: raise KeyError except KeyError: if not out_datasets: self.pattern = None else: patterns = out_datasets[0].get_data_patterns() for pattern in patterns: if 1 in patterns.get(pattern)["slice_dims"]: self.pattern = pattern break self.pattern = None if self.pattern not in Statistics._pattern_list: self.calc_stats = False
[docs] def _write_stats_to_file(self, p_num=None, plugin_name=None, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD): """Writes stats to a h5 file. This file is used to create figures and tables from the stats. :param p_num: The plugin number of the plugin the stats belong to (usually left as None except for special cases). :param plugin_name: Same as above (but for the name of the plugin). :param comm: The MPI communicator the plugin is using. """ if p_num is None: p_num = self.p_num if plugin_name is None: plugin_name = self.plugin_names[p_num] path = Statistics.path filename = f"{path}/stats.h5" stats_dict = self.get_stats(p_num, instance="all") stats_array = self._dict_to_array(stats_dict[0]) stats_key = list(stats_dict[0].keys()) for i, my_dict in enumerate(stats_dict): if i != 0: stats_array = np.vstack([stats_array, self._dict_to_array(my_dict)]) self.hdf5 = Hdf5Utils(self.exp) self.exp._barrier(communicator=comm) if comm.rank == 0: with h5.File(filename, "a") as h5file: group = h5file.require_group("stats") if stats_array.shape != (0,): if str(p_num) in list(group.keys()): del group[str(p_num)] dataset = group.create_dataset(str(p_num), shape=stats_array.shape, dtype=stats_array.dtype) dataset[::] = stats_array[::] dataset.attrs.create("plugin_name", plugin_name) dataset.attrs.create("pattern", self.pattern) dataset.attrs.create("stats_key", stats_key) if self._iterative_group: l_stats = Statistics.loop_stats[self.l_num] group1 = h5file.require_group("iterative") if self._iterative_group._ip_iteration == self._iterative_group._ip_fixed_iterations - 1\ and self.p_num == self._iterative_group.end_index: dataset1 = group1.create_dataset(str(self.l_num), shape=l_stats["NRMSD"].shape, dtype=l_stats["NRMSD"].dtype) dataset1[::] = l_stats["NRMSD"][::] loop_plugins = [] for i in range(self._iterative_group.start_index, self._iterative_group.end_index + 1): if i in list(self.plugin_names.keys()): loop_plugins.append(self.plugin_names[i]) dataset1.attrs.create("loop_plugins", loop_plugins) dataset.attrs.create("n_loop_plugins", len(loop_plugins)) self.exp._barrier(communicator=comm)
def _write_times_to_file(self, comm): """Writes times into the file containing all the stats.""" p_num = self.p_num plugin_name = self.plugin_name path = Statistics.path filename = f"{path}/stats.h5" time = Statistics.global_times[p_num] self.hdf5 = Hdf5Utils(self.exp) if comm.rank == 0: with h5.File(filename, "a") as h5file: group = h5file.require_group("stats") dataset = group[str(p_num)] dataset.attrs.create("time", time)
[docs] def write_slice_stats_to_file(self, slice_stats=None, p_num=None, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD): """Writes slice statistics to a h5 file. Placed in the stats folder in the output directory. Currently unused.""" if not slice_stats: slice_stats = self.stats if not p_num: p_num = self.count plugin_name = self.plugin_name else: plugin_name = self.plugin_names[p_num] combined_stats = self._combine_mpi_stats(slice_stats) slice_stats_arrays = {} datasets = {} path = Statistics.path filename = f"{path}/stats_p{p_num}_{plugin_name}.h5" self.hdf5 = Hdf5Utils(self.plugin.exp) with h5.File(filename, "a", driver="mpio", comm=comm) as h5file: i = 2 group_name = "/stats" while group_name in h5file: group_name = f"/stats{i}" i += 1 group = h5file.create_group(group_name, track_order=None) for key in list(combined_stats.keys()): slice_stats_arrays[key] = np.array(combined_stats[key]) datasets[key] = self.hdf5.create_dataset_nofill(group, key, (len(slice_stats_arrays[key]),), slice_stats_arrays[key].dtype) datasets[key][::] = slice_stats_arrays[key]
def _unpad_slice(self, my_slice): """If data is padded in the slice dimension, removes this pad.""" out_datasets = self.plugin.get_out_datasets() if len(out_datasets) == 1: out_dataset = out_datasets[0] else: for dataset in out_datasets: if self.pattern in list(dataset.data_info.get(["data_patterns"]).keys()): out_dataset = dataset break slice_dims = out_dataset.get_slice_dimensions() if self.plugin.pcount == 0: self._slice_list, self._pad = self._get_unpadded_slice_list(my_slice, slice_dims) if self._pad: #for slice_dim in slice_dims: slice_dim = slice_dims[0] temp_slice = np.swapaxes(my_slice, 0, slice_dim) temp_slice = temp_slice[self._slice_list[slice_dim]] my_slice = np.swapaxes(temp_slice, 0, slice_dim) return my_slice def _get_unpadded_slice_list(self, my_slice, slice_dims): """Creates slice object(s) to un-pad slices in the slice dimension(s).""" slice_list = list(self.plugin.slice_list[0]) pad = False if len(slice_list) == len(my_slice.shape): i = slice_dims[0] slice_width = self.plugin.slice_list[0][i].stop - self.plugin.slice_list[0][i].start if slice_width < my_slice.shape[i]: pad = True pad_width = (my_slice.shape[i] - slice_width) // 2 # Assuming symmetrical padding slice_list[i] = slice(pad_width, pad_width + 1, 1) return tuple(slice_list), pad else: return self.plugin.slice_list[0], pad def _flatten(self, l): """Function to flatten nested lists.""" out = [] for item in l: if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): out.extend(self._flatten(item)) else: out.append(item) return out def _de_list(self, my_slice): """If the slice is in a list, remove it from that list (takes 0th element).""" if type(my_slice) == list: if len(my_slice) != 0: my_slice = my_slice[0] my_slice = self._de_list(my_slice) return my_slice @classmethod def _count(cls): cls.count += 1 @classmethod def _post_chain(cls): """Called after all plugins have run.""" if cls._any_stats & cls._stats_flag: stats_utils = StatsUtils() stats_utils.generate_figures(f"{cls.path}/stats.h5", cls.path)