Source code for

# Copyright 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

.. module:: plugin_list
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Contains the PluginList class, which deals with loading and \
   saving the plugin list, and the CitationInformation class. An instance is \
   held by the MetaData class.

.. moduleauthor:: Nicola Wadeson <>

import ast
import copy
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import re
from collections import defaultdict

import h5py
import numpy as np

import as fc
import savu.plugins.docstring_parser as doc
import savu.plugins.loaders.utils.yaml_utils as yu
import savu.plugins.utils as pu
from import MetaData

NX_CLASS = "NX_class"

[docs]class PluginList(object): """ The PluginList class handles the plugin list - loading, saving and adding citation information for the plugin """ def __init__(self): self.plugin_list = [] self.n_plugins = None self.n_loaders = 0 self.n_savers = 0 self.loader_idx = None self.saver_idx = None self.datasets_list = [] self.saver_plugin_status = True self._template = None self.version = None self.iterate_plugin_groups = []
[docs] def add_template(self, create=False): self._template = Template(self) if create: self._template.creating = True
def _get_plugin_entry_template(self): template = {"active": True, "name": None, "id": None, "data": None} return template def __get_json_keys(self): return ["data"] def _populate_plugin_list( self, filename, active_pass=False, template=False ): """ Populate the plugin list from a nexus file. """ with h5py.File(filename, "r") as plugin_file: if "entry/savu_notes/version" in plugin_file: self.version = plugin_file["entry/savu_notes/version"][()] self._show_process_list_version() plugin_group = plugin_file["entry/plugin"] self.plugin_list = [] single_val = ["name", "id", "pos", "active"] exclude = ["citation"] ordered_pl_keys = pu.sort_alphanum(list(plugin_group.keys())) for group in ordered_pl_keys: plugin = self._get_plugin_entry_template() entry_keys = plugin_group[group].keys() parameters = [ k for k in entry_keys for e in exclude if k not in single_val and e not in k ] if "active" in entry_keys: plugin["active"] = plugin_group[group]["active"][0] if plugin['active'] or active_pass: plugin['name'] = plugin_group[group]['name'][0].decode("utf-8") plugin['id'] = plugin_group[group]['id'][0].decode("utf-8") plugin_tools = None try: plugin_class = pu.load_class(plugin["id"])() # Populate the parameters (including those from it's base classes) plugin_tools = plugin_class.get_plugin_tools() if not plugin_tools: raise OSError(f"Tools file not found for {plugin['name']}") plugin_tools._populate_default_parameters() except ImportError: # No plugin class found logging.error(f"No class found for {plugin['name']}") plugin['doc'] = plugin_tools.docstring_info if plugin_tools else "" plugin['tools'] = plugin_tools if plugin_tools else {} plugin['param'] = plugin_tools.get_param_definitions() if \ plugin_tools else {} plugin['pos'] = group.strip() for param in parameters: try: plugin[param] = json.loads(plugin_group[group][param][0]) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"Error: {e}\n Could not parse key '{param}' from group '{group}' as JSON" ) self.plugin_list.append(plugin) # add info about groups of plugins to iterate over into # self.iterate_plugin_groups self.clear_iterate_plugin_group_dicts() try: iterate_groups = plugin_file['entry/iterate_plugin_groups'] for key in list(iterate_groups.keys()): iterate_group_dict = { 'start_index': iterate_groups[key]['start'][()], 'end_index': iterate_groups[key]['end'][()], 'iterations': iterate_groups[key]['iterations'][()] } self.iterate_plugin_groups.append(iterate_group_dict) except Exception as e: err_str = f"Process list file {filename} doesn't have the " \ f"iterate_plugin_groups internal hdf5 path" print(err_str) if template: self.add_template() self._template.update_process_list(template) def _show_process_list_version(self): """If the input process list was created using an older version of Savu, then alert the user""" from savu.version import __version__ if __version__ != self.version: separator = "*" * 53 print(separator) print(f"*** This process list was created using Savu " f"{self.version} ***") print(separator) def _save_plugin_list(self, out_filename): with h5py.File(out_filename, "a") as nxs_file: entry = nxs_file.require_group("entry") self._save_framework_citations(self._overwrite_group( entry, 'framework_citations', 'NXcollection')) self.__save_savu_notes(self._overwrite_group( entry, 'savu_notes', 'NXnote')) plugins_group = self._overwrite_group(entry, 'plugin', 'NXprocess') count = 1 for plugin in self.plugin_list: plugin_group = self._get_plugin_group( plugins_group, plugin, count ) self.__populate_plugins_group(plugin_group, plugin) self.__save_iterate_plugin_groups(self._overwrite_group( entry, 'iterate_plugin_groups', 'NXnote')) if self._template and self._template.creating: fname = os.path.splitext(out_filename)[0] + ".savu" self._template._output_template(fname, out_filename) def _overwrite_group(self, entry, name, nxclass): if name in entry: entry.pop(name) group = entry.create_group(name.encode("ascii")) group.attrs[NX_CLASS] = nxclass.encode("ascii") return group
[docs] def add_iterate_plugin_group(self, start, end, iterations): """Add an element to self.iterate_plugin_groups""" group_new = { 'start_index': start, 'end_index': end, 'iterations': iterations } if iterations <= 0: print("The number of iterations should be larger than zero and nonnegative") return elif start <= 0 or start > len(self.plugin_list) or end <= 0 or end > len(self.plugin_list): print("The given plugin indices are not within the range of existing plugin indices") return are_crosschecks_ok = \ self._crosscheck_existing_loops(start, end, iterations) if are_crosschecks_ok: self.iterate_plugin_groups.append(group_new) info_str = f"The following loop has been added: start plugin " \ f"index {group_new['start_index']}, end plugin index " \ f"{group_new['end_index']}, iterations " \ f"{group_new['iterations']}" print(info_str)
def _crosscheck_existing_loops(self, start, end, iterations): """ Check requested loop to be added against existing loops for potential clashes """ are_crosschecks_ok = False list_new_indices = list(range(start, end+1)) # crosscheck with the existing iterative loops if len(self.iterate_plugin_groups) != 0: noexactlist = True nointersection = True for count, group in enumerate(self.iterate_plugin_groups, 1): start_int = int(group['start_index']) end_int = int(group['end_index']) list_existing_indices = list(range(start_int, end_int+1)) if bool(set(list_new_indices).intersection(list_existing_indices)): # check if the intersection of lists is exact (number of iterations to change) nointersection = False if list_new_indices == list_existing_indices: print(f"The number of iterations of loop group no. {count}, {list_new_indices} has been set to: {iterations}") self.iterate_plugin_groups[count-1]["iterations"] = iterations noexactlist = False else: print(f"The plugins of group no. {count} are already set to be iterative: {set(list_new_indices).intersection(list_existing_indices)}") if noexactlist and nointersection: are_crosschecks_ok = True else: are_crosschecks_ok = True return are_crosschecks_ok
[docs] def remove_iterate_plugin_groups(self, indices): """ Remove elements from self.iterate_plugin_groups """ if len(indices) == 0: # remove all iterative loops in process list prompt_str = 'Are you sure you want to remove all iterative ' \ 'loops? [y/N]' check = input(prompt_str) should_remove_all = check.lower() == 'y' if should_remove_all: self.clear_iterate_plugin_group_dicts() print('All iterative loops have been removed') else: print('No iterative loops have been removed') else: # remove specified iterative loops in process list sorted_indices = sorted(indices) if sorted_indices[0] <= 0: print('The iterative loops are indexed starting from 1') return for i in reversed(sorted_indices): try: # convert the one-based index to a zero-based index iterate_group = self.iterate_plugin_groups.pop(i - 1) info_str = f"The following loop has been removed: start " \ f"plugin index " \ f"{iterate_group['start_index']}, " \ f"end plugin index " \ f"{iterate_group['end_index']}, iterations " \ f"{iterate_group['iterations']}" print(info_str) except IndexError as e: info_str = f"There doesn't exist an iterative loop with " \ f"number {i}" print(info_str)
[docs] def clear_iterate_plugin_group_dicts(self): """ Reset the list of dicts representing groups of plugins to iterate over """ self.iterate_plugin_groups = []
[docs] def get_iterate_plugin_group_dicts(self): """ Return the list of dicts representing groups of plugins to iterate over """ return self.iterate_plugin_groups
[docs] def print_iterative_loops(self): if len(self.iterate_plugin_groups) == 0: print('There are no iterative loops in the current process list') else: print('Iterative loops in the current process list are:') for count, group in enumerate(self.iterate_plugin_groups, 1): number = f"({count}) " start_str = f"start plugin index: {group['start_index']}" end_str = f"end index: {group['end_index']}" iterations_str = f"iterations number: {group['iterations']}" full_str = number + start_str + ', ' + end_str + ', ' + \ iterations_str print(full_str)
[docs] def remove_associated_iterate_group_dict(self, pos, direction): """ Remove an iterative loop associated to a plugin index """ operation = 'add' if direction == 1 else 'remove' for i, iterate_group in enumerate(self.iterate_plugin_groups): if operation == 'remove': if iterate_group['start_index'] <= pos and \ pos <= iterate_group['end_index']: # remove the loop if the plugin being removed is at any # position within an iterative loop del self.iterate_plugin_groups[i] break elif operation == 'add': if iterate_group['start_index'] != iterate_group['end_index']: # remove the loop only if the plugin is being added between # the start and end of the loop if iterate_group['start_index'] < pos and \ pos <= iterate_group['end_index']: del self.iterate_plugin_groups[i] break
[docs] def check_pos_in_iterative_loop(self, pos): """ Check if the given plugin position is in an iterative loop """ is_in_loop = False for iterate_group in self.iterate_plugin_groups: if iterate_group['start_index'] <= pos and \ pos <= iterate_group['end_index']: is_in_loop = True break return is_in_loop
def __save_iterate_plugin_groups(self, group): ''' Save information regarding the groups of plugins to iterate over ''' for count, iterate_group in enumerate(self.iterate_plugin_groups): grp_name = str(count) grp = group.create_group(grp_name.encode('ascii')) shape = () # scalar data grp.create_dataset('start'.encode('ascii'), shape, 'i', iterate_group['start_index']) grp.create_dataset('end'.encode('ascii'), shape, 'i', iterate_group['end_index']) grp.create_dataset('iterations'.encode('ascii'), shape, 'i', iterate_group['iterations'])
[docs] def shift_subsequent_iterative_loops(self, pos, direction): """ Shift all iterative loops occurring after a given plugin position """ # if removing a plugin that is positioned before a loop, the loop should # be shifted down by 1; but if removing a plugin that is positioned at # the start of the loop, it will be removed instead of shifted (ie, both # < or <= work for this case) # # if adding a plugin that will be positioned before a loop, the loop # should be shifted up by 1; also, if adding a plugin to be positioned # where the start of a loop currently exists, this should shift the loop # up by 1 as well (ie, only <= works for this case, hence the use of <=) for iterate_group in self.iterate_plugin_groups: if pos <= iterate_group['start_index']: self.shift_iterative_loop(iterate_group, direction)
[docs] def shift_range_iterative_loops(self, positions, direction): """ Shift all iterative loops within a range of plugin indices """ for iterate_group in self.iterate_plugin_groups: if positions[0] <= iterate_group['start_index'] and \ iterate_group['end_index'] <= positions[1]: self.shift_iterative_loop(iterate_group, direction)
[docs] def shift_iterative_loop(self, iterate_group, direction): """ Shift an iterative loop up or down in the process list, based on if a plugin is added or removed """ if direction == 1: iterate_group['start_index'] += 1 iterate_group['end_index'] += 1 elif direction == -1: iterate_group['start_index'] -= 1 iterate_group['end_index'] -= 1 else: err_str = f"Bad direction value given to shift iterative loop: " \ f"{direction}" raise ValueError(err_str)
def __save_savu_notes(self, notes): """ Save the version number :param notes: hdf5 group to save data to """ from savu.version import __version__ notes["version"] = __version__ def __populate_plugins_group(self, plugin_group, plugin): """Populate the plugin group information which will be saved :param plugin_group: Plugin group to save to :param plugin: Plugin to be saved """ plugin_group.attrs[NX_CLASS] = "NXnote".encode("ascii") required_keys = self._get_plugin_entry_template().keys() json_keys = self.__get_json_keys() self._save_citations(plugin, plugin_group) for key in required_keys: # only need to apply dumps if saving in configurator if key == "data": data = {} for k, v in plugin[key].items(): # Replace any missing quotes around variables. data[k] = pu._dumps(v) else: data = plugin[key] # get the string value data = json.dumps(data) if key in json_keys else plugin[key] # if the data is string it has to be encoded to ascii so that # hdf5 can save out the bytes if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode("ascii") data = np.array([data]) plugin_group.create_dataset( key.encode("ascii"), data.shape, data.dtype, data ) def _get_plugin_group(self, plugins_group, plugin, count): """Return the plugin_group, into which the plugin information will be saved :param plugins_group: Current group to save inside :param plugin: Plugin to be saved :param count: Order number of the plugin in the process list :return: plugin group """ if "pos" in plugin.keys(): num = int(re.findall(r"\d+", str(plugin["pos"]))[0]) letter = re.findall("[a-z]", str(plugin["pos"])) letter = letter[0] if letter else "" group_name = "%i%s" % (num, letter) else: group_name = count return plugins_group.create_group(group_name.encode("ascii")) def _add(self, idx, entry): self.plugin_list.insert(idx, entry) self.__set_loaders_and_savers() def _remove(self, idx): del self.plugin_list[idx] self.__set_loaders_and_savers() def _save_citations(self, plugin, group): """Save all the citations in the plugin :param plugin: dictionary of plugin information :param group: Group to save to """ if "tools" in plugin.keys(): citation_plugin = plugin.get("tools").get_citations() if citation_plugin: count = 1 for citation in citation_plugin.values(): group_label = f"citation{count}" if ( not citation.dependency or self._dependent_citation_used(plugin, citation) ): self._save_citation_group( citation, citation.__dict__, group, group_label ) count += 1 def _dependent_citation_used(self, plugin, citation): """Check if any Plugin parameter values match the citation dependency requirement. :param plugin: dictionary of plugin information :param citation: A plugin citation :return: bool True if the citation is for a parameter value being used inside this plugin """ parameters = plugin["data"] for ( citation_dependent_parameter, citation_dependent_value, ) in citation.dependency.items(): current_value = parameters[citation_dependent_parameter] if current_value == citation_dependent_value: return True return False def _exec_citations(self, cite, citation): """Execute citations to variable :param cite: citation dictionary """ for key, value in cite.items(): exec("citation." + key + "= value") def _save_framework_citations(self, group): """Save all the citations in dict :param group: Group for nxs file """ framework_cites = fc.get_framework_citations() for cite in framework_cites.values(): label = cite.short_name_article del cite.short_name_article self._save_citation_group(cite, cite.__dict__, group, label) def _save_citation_group(self, citation, cite_dict, group, group_label): """Save the citations to the provided group label :param citation: Citation object :param cite_dict: Citation dictionary :param group: Group :param group_label: Group label :return: """ citation_group = group.require_group(group_label.encode("ascii")) self._exec_citations(cite_dict, citation) citation.write(citation_group) def _get_docstring_info(self, plugin): plugin_inst = pu.plugins[plugin]() tools = plugin_inst.get_plugin_tools() tools._populate_default_parameters() return plugin_inst.docstring_info # def _byteify(self, input): # if isinstance(input, dict): # return {self._byteify(key): self._byteify(value) # for key, value in input.items()} # elif isinstance(input, list): # temp = [self._byteify(element) for element in input] # return temp # elif isinstance(input, str): # return input.encode('utf-8') # else: # return input def _set_datasets_list(self, plugin): in_pData, out_pData = plugin.get_plugin_datasets() in_data_list = self._populate_datasets_list(in_pData) out_data_list = self._populate_datasets_list(out_pData) self.datasets_list.append({'in_datasets': in_data_list, 'out_datasets': out_data_list}) def _populate_datasets_list(self, data): data_list = [] for d in data: name = d.data_obj.get_name() pattern = copy.deepcopy(d.get_pattern()) pattern[list(pattern.keys())[0]]['max_frames_transfer'] = \ d.meta_data.get('max_frames_transfer') pattern[list(pattern.keys())[0]]['transfer_shape'] = \ d.meta_data.get('transfer_shape') data_list.append({'name': name, 'pattern': pattern}) return data_list def _get_datasets_list(self): return self.datasets_list def _reset_datasets_list(self): self.datasets_list = [] def _get_n_loaders(self): return self.n_loaders def _get_n_savers(self): return self.n_savers def _get_loaders_index(self): return self.loader_idx def _get_savers_index(self): return self.saver_idx def _get_n_processing_plugins(self): return len(self.plugin_list) - self._get_n_loaders() def __set_loaders_and_savers(self): """Get lists of loader and saver positions within the plugin list and set the number of loaders. :returns: loader index list and saver index list :rtype: list(int(loader)), list(int(saver)) """ from savu.plugins.loaders.base_loader import BaseLoader from savu.plugins.savers.base_saver import BaseSaver loader_idx = [] saver_idx = [] self.n_plugins = len(self.plugin_list) for i in range(self.n_plugins): pid = self.plugin_list[i]["id"] bases = inspect.getmro(pu.load_class(pid)) loader_list = [b for b in bases if b == BaseLoader] saver_list = [b for b in bases if b == BaseSaver] if loader_list: loader_idx.append(i) if saver_list: saver_idx.append(i) self.loader_idx = loader_idx self.saver_idx = saver_idx self.n_loaders = len(loader_idx) self.n_savers = len(saver_idx) def _check_loaders(self): """Check plugin list starts with a loader.""" self.__set_loaders_and_savers() loaders = self._get_loaders_index() if loaders: if loaders[0] != 0 or loaders[-1] + 1 != len(loaders): raise Exception("All loader plugins must be at the beginning " "of the process list") else: raise Exception("The first plugin in the process list must be a " "loader plugin.") def _add_missing_savers(self, exp): """ Add savers for missing datasets. """ data_names = exp.index["in_data"].keys() saved_data = [] for i in self._get_savers_index(): saved_data.append(self.plugin_list[i]["data"]["in_datasets"]) saved_data = set([s for sub_list in saved_data for s in sub_list]) for name in [data for data in data_names if data not in saved_data]: pos = exp.meta_data.get("nPlugin") + 1 exp.meta_data.set("nPlugin", pos) process = {} plugin = pu.load_class("savu.plugins.savers.hdf5_saver")() ptools = plugin.get_plugin_tools() plugin.parameters["in_datasets"] = [name] process["name"] = process["id"] = plugin.__module__ process["pos"] = str(pos + 1) process["data"] = plugin.parameters process["active"] = True process["param"] = ptools.get_param_definitions() process["doc"] = ptools.docstring_info process["tools"] = ptools self._add(pos + 1, process) def _update_datasets(self, plugin_no, data_dict): n_loaders = self._get_n_loaders() idx = self._get_n_loaders() + plugin_no self.plugin_list[idx]["data"].update(data_dict) def _get_dataset_flow(self): datasets_idx = [] n_loaders = self._get_n_loaders() n_plugins = self._get_n_processing_plugins() for i in range(self.n_loaders, n_loaders + n_plugins): datasets_idx.append(self.plugin_list[i]["data"]["out_datasets"]) return datasets_idx def _contains_gpu_processes(self): """ Returns True if gpu processes exist in the process list. """ try: from savu.plugins.driver.gpu_plugin import GpuPlugin for i in range(self.n_plugins): bases = inspect.getmro( pu.load_class(self.plugin_list[i]["id"]) ) if GpuPlugin in bases: return True except ImportError as ex: if "pynvml" in ex.message: logging.error( "Error while importing GPU dependencies: %s", ex.message ) else: raise return False
[docs]class Template(object): """A class to read and write templates for plugin lists.""" def __init__(self, plist): super(Template, self).__init__() self.plist = plist self.creating = False def _output_template(self, fname, process_fname): plist = self.plist.plugin_list index = [i for i in range(len(plist)) if plist[i]["active"]] local_dict = MetaData(ordered=True) global_dict = MetaData(ordered=True) local_dict.set(["process_list"], os.path.abspath(process_fname)) for i in index: params = self.__get_template_params(plist[i]["data"], []) name = plist[i]["name"] for p in params: ptype, isyaml, key, value = p if isyaml: data_name = isyaml if ptype == "local" else "all" local_dict.set([i + 1, name, data_name, key], value) elif ptype == "local": local_dict.set([i + 1, name, key], value) else: global_dict.set(["all", name, key], value) with open(fname, "w") as stream: local_dict.get_dictionary().update(global_dict.get_dictionary()) yu.dump_yaml(local_dict.get_dictionary(), stream) def __get_template_params(self, params, tlist, yaml=False): for key, value in params.items(): if key == "yaml_file": yaml_dict = self._get_yaml_dict(value) for entry in list(yaml_dict.keys()): self.__get_template_params( yaml_dict[entry]["params"], tlist, yaml=entry ) value = pu.is_template_param(value) if value is not False: ptype, value = value isyaml = yaml if yaml else False tlist.append([ptype, isyaml, key, value]) return tlist def _get_yaml_dict(self, yfile): from savu.plugins.loaders.yaml_converter import YamlConverter yaml_c = YamlConverter() template_check = pu.is_template_param(yfile) yfile = template_check[1] if template_check is not False else yfile yaml_c.parameters = {"yaml_file": yfile} return yaml_c.setup(template=True)
[docs] def update_process_list(self, template): tdict = yu.read_yaml(template) del tdict["process_list"] for plugin_no, entry in tdict.items(): plugin = list(entry.keys())[0] for key, value in list(entry.values())[0].items(): depth = self.dict_depth(value) if depth == 1: self._set_param_for_template_loader_plugin( plugin_no, key, value ) elif depth == 0: if plugin_no == "all": self._set_param_for_all_instances_of_a_plugin( plugin, key, value ) else: data = self._get_plugin_data_dict(str(plugin_no)) data[key] = value else: raise Exception("Template key not recognised.")
[docs] def dict_depth(self, d, depth=0): if not isinstance(d, dict) or not d: return depth return max(self.dict_depth(v, depth + 1) for k, v in d.items())
def _set_param_for_all_instances_of_a_plugin(self, plugin, param, value): # find all plugins with this name and replace the param for p in self.plist.plugin_list: if p["name"] == plugin: p["data"][param] = value def _set_param_for_template_loader_plugin(self, plugin_no, data, value): param_key = list(value.keys())[0] param_val = list(value.values())[0] pdict = self._get_plugin_data_dict(str(plugin_no))["template_param"] pdict = defaultdict(dict) if not pdict else pdict pdict[data][param_key] = param_val def _get_plugin_data_dict(self, plugin_no): """ input plugin_no as a string """ plist = self.plist.plugin_list index = [plist[i]["pos"] for i in range(len(plist))] return plist[index.index(plugin_no)]["data"]
[docs]class CitationInformation(object): """ Descriptor of Citation Information for plugins """ def __init__( self, description, bibtex="", endnote="", doi="", short_name_article="", dependency="", ): self.description = description self.short_name_article = short_name_article self.bibtex = bibtex self.endnote = endnote self.doi = doi self.dependency = dependency = self._set_citation_name() = self._set_id() def _set_citation_name(self): """Create a short identifier using the short name of the article and the first author """ cite_info = True if self.endnote or self.bibtex else False if cite_info and self.short_name_article: cite_name = ( self.short_name_article.title() + " by " + self._get_first_author() + " et al." ) elif cite_info: cite_name = ( self._get_title() + " by " + self._get_first_author() + " et al." ) else: # Set the tools class name as the citation name causes overwriting # module_name = tool_class.__module__.split('.')[-1].replace('_', ' ') # cite_name = module_name.split('tools')[0].title() cite_name = self.description return cite_name def _set_citation_id(self, tool_class): """Create a short identifier using the bibtex identification""" # Remove blank space if self.bibtex: cite_id = self._get_id() else: # Set the tools class name as the citation name module_name = tool_class.__module__.split(".")[-1] cite_id = module_name return cite_id def _set_id(self): """ Retrieve the id from the bibtex """ cite_id = self.seperate_bibtex("@article{", ",") return cite_id def _get_first_author(self): """ Retrieve the first author name """ if self.endnote: first_author = self.seperate_endnote("%A ") elif self.bibtex: first_author = self.seperate_bibtex("author={", "}", author=True) return first_author def _get_title(self): """ Retrieve the title """ if self.endnote: title = self.seperate_endnote("%T ") elif self.bibtex: title = self.seperate_bibtex("title={", "}") return title
[docs] def seperate_endnote(self, seperation_char): """Return the string contained between start characters and a new line :param seperation_char: Character to split the string at :return: The string contained between start characters and a new line """ item = self.endnote.partition(seperation_char)[2].split("\n")[0] return item
[docs] def seperate_bibtex(self, start_char, end_char, author=False): """Return the string contained between provided characters :param start_char: Character to split the string at :param end_char: Character to end the split at :return: The string contained between both characters """ plain_text = doc.remove_new_lines(self.bibtex) item = plain_text.partition(start_char)[2].split(end_char)[0] if author: # Return one author only if " and " in item: item = item.split(" and ")[0] return item
[docs] def write(self, citation_group): # classes don't have to be encoded to ASCII citation_group.attrs[NX_CLASS] = "NXcite" # Valid ascii sequences will be encoded, invalid ones will be # preserved as escape sequences description_array = np.array([self.description.encode('ascii','backslashreplace')]) citation_group.create_dataset('description'.encode('ascii'), description_array.shape, description_array.dtype, description_array) doi_array = np.array([self.doi.encode('ascii')]) citation_group.create_dataset('doi'.encode('ascii'), doi_array.shape, doi_array.dtype, doi_array) endnote_array = np.array([self.endnote.encode('ascii','backslashreplace')]) citation_group.create_dataset('endnote'.encode('ascii'), endnote_array.shape, endnote_array.dtype, endnote_array) bibtex_array = np.array([self.bibtex.encode('ascii','backslashreplace')]) citation_group.create_dataset('bibtex'.encode('ascii'), bibtex_array.shape, bibtex_array.dtype, bibtex_array)