Source code for

# Copyright 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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.. module:: base_type
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: A base module for different data types.

.. moduleauthor:: Nicola Wadeson <>


import inspect

import savu.plugins.utils as pu

[docs]class BaseType(object): def __init__(self): self._clone_args = {} self._map_args = {} self.base_data_args() def __getitem__(self, index): """ Override __getitem__ and map to the relevant files """ raise NotImplementedError("__getitem__ must be implemented.")
[docs] def get_shape(self): """ Get full stitched shape of a stack of files""" raise NotImplementedError("get_shape must be implemented.")
[docs] def add_base_class_with_instance(self, base, inst): """ Add a base class instance to a class (merging of two data types). :params class base: a class to add as a base class :params instance inst: an instance of the base class """ cls = self.__class__ namespace = self.__class__.__dict__.copy() self.__dict__.update(inst.__dict__) self.__class__ = cls.__class__(cls.__name__, (cls, base), namespace)
[docs] def base_data_args(self): """ Create a dictionary of required input arguments, required for checkpointing. """ cls = self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__ args, kwargs, extras = self.clone_data_args([], {}, []) self._clone_args = self._set_parameters(args, kwargs, cls, cls, extras) args, kwargs, cls_path, extras = self.map_input_args([], {}, cls, []) self._map_args = self._set_parameters( args, kwargs, cls, cls_path, extras)
def _set_parameters(self, args, kwargs, cls, cls_path, extras): mod = '.'.join(cls_path.split('.')[:-1]) cls = cls_path.split('.')[-1] func = pu.load_class(mod, cls).__init__ argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(func) if len(argspec[0])-1 != len(args) + len(list(kwargs.keys())): raise Exception('Incorrect number of input arguments mapped.') data_lists = [True if isinstance(a, list) and isinstance(a[0], int) else False for a in args] # If there are multiple data objects this is incompatible with # checkpointing. ddict = {} if args.count('self') > 2 or data_lists.count(True): ddict = None else: ddict['args'] = args ddict['kwargs'] = kwargs ddict['cls'] = cls_path ddict['extras'] = extras return ddict
[docs] def clone_data_args(self, args, kwargs, extras): """ Gather all information required to keep this dataset after a plugin has completed (may require a conversion to a different data_type. """ raise NotImplementedError("clone_data_args must be implemented.")
[docs] def map_input_args(self, args, kwargs, cls, extras): """ Gather all information required to recreate a datatype: For checkpointing and cloning """ args, kwargs, extras = self.clone_data_args(args, kwargs, extras) return args, kwargs, cls, extras
[docs] def get_clone_args(self): return self._clone_args
[docs] def get_map_args(self): return self._map_args
[docs] def create_next_instance(self, newObj): dtype_dict = self.get_map_args() if dtype_dict is None: return None args, kwargs, cls, extras = self._get_parameters(dtype_dict) args = [newObj if isinstance(a, str) and a == 'self' else a for a in args] cls_split = cls.split('.') mod = '.'.join(cls_split[:-1]) name = cls_split[-1] cls_inst = pu.load_class(mod, cls_name=name) = cls_inst(*args, **kwargs) self._base_post_clone_updates(, extras)
def _base_post_clone_updates(self, obj, extras): self.__update_extra_params(obj, extras) self._post_clone_updates() def _post_clone_updates(self): pass def _get_parameters(self, dtype_dict): args = dtype_dict['args'] kwargs = dtype_dict['kwargs'] extras = dtype_dict['extras'] args = [self._str_to_value(self, a) for a in args] extras = self.__get_extras_vals(extras) for key, value in kwargs.items(): kwargs[key] = self._str_to_value(self, value) return args, kwargs, dtype_dict['cls'], extras def _str_to_value(self, obj, val): if not isinstance(val, str): return val if val == 'self': return val val = 'self' if val == 'DATA_OBJECT' else val val = val.replace('self.', '') temp = getattr(obj, val, val) return temp() if inspect.ismethod(temp) else temp def __get_extras_vals(self, vals): extras = {} for key in vals: extras[key] = getattr(self, key) return extras def __update_extra_params(self, newObj, extras): for key, value in extras.items(): setattr(newObj, key, value)