Source code for savu.core.utils

# Copyright 2015 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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.. module:: core_utils
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Simple core utility methods.
.. moduleauthor:: Mark Basham <>


import itertools
import logging
import logging.handlers as handlers

from mpi4py import MPI
from typing import Union

[docs]def ensure_string(string: Union[str, bytes]) -> str: """ Python 3 and HDF5 mixture has created a somewhat ambiguous situation where the strings in Python 3 are UTF-8 by default, but HDF5 strings cannot be unicode. This function should wrap strings coming in from HDF5 to ensure that they are decoded to UTF-8 so that they can be treated at `str` in Python, and not `bytes`. """ if isinstance(string, bytes): return string.decode("ascii") return string
[docs]def logfunction(func): """ Decorator to add logging information around calls for use with . """ def _wrapper(*args, **kwds):"Start::%s:%s", func.__module__, func.__name__) returnval = func(*args, **kwds)"Finish::%s:%s", func.__module__, func.__name__) return returnval return _wrapper
[docs]def logmethod(func): """ Decorator to add logging information around calls for use with . """ def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwds):"Start::%s.%s:%s", func.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, func.__name__) returnval = func(self, *args, **kwds)"Finish::%s.%s:%s", func.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, func.__name__) return returnval return _wrapper
[docs]def docstring_parameter(*sub): """ Decorator to add strings to a doc string.""" def dec(obj): obj.__doc__ = obj.__doc__.format(*sub) return obj return dec
[docs]def import_class(class_name): """ Import a class. :params: class name :returns: class instance :rtype: instance of class_name """ name = class_name mod = __import__(name) components = name.split('.') for comp in components[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, comp) temp = name.split('.')[-1] module2class = ''.join(x.capitalize() for x in temp.split('_')) return getattr(mod, module2class.split('.')[-1])
[docs]def add_base(this, base): """ Add a base class to a class. :params class this: a class instance :params class base: a class to add as a base class """ cls = this.__class__ namespace = this.__class__.__dict__.copy() this.__class__ = cls.__class__(cls.__name__, (cls, base), namespace) base().__init__()
[docs]def add_base_classes(this, bases): """ Add multiple base classes to a class. :params class this: a class instance. :params list(class) bases: a list of base classes """ bases = bases if isinstance(bases, list) else [bases] for base in bases: add_base(this, base)
[docs]def get_available_gpus(): try: import pynvml as pv except: logging.debug("pyNVML module not found") raise Exception("pyNVML module not found") pv.nvmlInit() count = int(pv.nvmlDeviceGetCount()) return pv, count
[docs]def user_message(message): logging.log(USER_LOG_LEVEL, message) if USER_LOG_HANDLER is not None: USER_LOG_HANDLER.flush()
[docs]def user_messages_from_all(header, message_list): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD messages = comm.gather(message_list, root=0) if messages is None: return # flatten the list messages = list(itertools.chain(*messages)) if comm.rank == 0: for message in set(messages): user_message("%s : %i processes report : %s" % (header, messages.count(message), message))
def _output_summary(mpi_flag, plugin): if mpi_flag: user_messages_from_all(, plugin.executive_summary()) else: for message in plugin.executive_summary(): user_message("%s - %s" % (, message))
[docs]def add_user_log_level(): logging.addLevelName(USER_LOG_LEVEL, "USER")
[docs]def add_user_log_handler(logger, user_log_path): fh = logging.FileHandler(user_log_path, mode='w') fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s')) fh.setLevel(USER_LOG_LEVEL) logger.addHandler(fh) USER_LOG_HANDLER = fh user_message("User Log Started") user_message("User Log location is '%s'" % (user_log_path))
[docs]def add_syslog_log_handler(logger, syslog_address, syslog_port): syslog = handlers.SysLogHandler(address=(syslog_address, syslog_port)) syslog.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('SAVU:%(message)s')) syslog.setLevel(logging.WARN) # only log user log messages logger.addHandler(syslog)
def _get_log_level(options): """ Gets the right log level for the flags -v or -q """ if ('verbose' in options) and options['verbose']: return logging.DEBUG if ('quiet' in options) and options['quiet']: return logging.WARN return logging.INFO def _send_email(address): import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart email = '' send_to_email = address subject = 'Your Savu job has been completed' message = 'Some message' msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = email msg['To'] = send_to_email msg['Subject'] = subject # Attach the message to the MIMEMultipart object msg.attach(MIMEText(message, 'plain')) server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') text = msg.as_string() # You now need to convert the MIMEMultipart object to a string to send server.sendmail(email, send_to_email, text) server.quit() def _savu_encoder(data): return f'#savu_encoded#{data}'.encode("ascii") def _savu_decoder(data): data = ensure_string(data) if isinstance(data, str) and len(data.split('#savu_encoded#')) > 1: return eval(data.split('#savu_encoded#')[-1])
[docs]def get_memory_usage_linux(kb=False, mb=True): """ :param kb: Return the value in Kilobytes :param mb: Return the value in Megabytes :return: The string of the value in either KB or MB :rtype str """ try: # Windows doesn't seem to have resource package, so this will # silently fail import resource as res except ImportError: return 0, 0 if kb: return int(res.getrusage(res.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss) if mb: return int(res.getrusage(res.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss) // 1024