Source code for savu.core.transports.base_transport

# Copyright 2015 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

.. module:: base_transport
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: A BaseTransport class which implements functions that control\
   the interaction between the data and plugin layers.

.. moduleauthor:: Nicola Wadeson <>


import os
import time
import copy
import h5py
import math
import logging
import numpy as np

import savu.core.utils as cu
import savu.plugins.utils as pu
from import BaseType
from savu.core.iterate_plugin_group_utils import \

NX_CLASS = 'NX_class'

[docs]class BaseTransport(object): """ Implements functions that control the interaction between the data and plugin layers. """ def __init__(self): self.pDict = None self.no_processing = False def _transport_initialise(self, options): """ Any initial setup required by the transport mechanism on start up.\ This is called before the experiment is initialised. """ raise NotImplementedError("transport_control_setup needs to be " "implemented in %s", self.__class__) def _transport_update_plugin_list(self): """ This method provides an opportunity to add or remove items from the plugin list before plugin list check. """ def _transport_pre_plugin_list_run(self): """ This method is called after all datasets have been created but BEFORE the plugin list is processed. """ def _transport_load_plugin(self, exp, plugin_dict): """ This method is called before each plugin is loaded """ return pu.plugin_loader(exp, plugin_dict) def _transport_pre_plugin(self): """ This method is called directly BEFORE each plugin is executed, but \ after the plugin is loaded. """ def _transport_post_plugin(self): """ This method is called directly AFTER each plugin is executed. """ def _transport_post_plugin_list_run(self): """ This method is called AFTER the full plugin list has been processed. """ def _transport_terminate_dataset(self, data): """ A dataset that will subequently be removed by the framework. :param Data data: A data object to finalise. """
[docs] def process_setup(self, plugin): pDict = {} pDict['in_data'], pDict['out_data'] = plugin.get_datasets() pDict['in_sl'] = self._get_all_slice_lists(pDict['in_data'], 'in') pDict['out_sl'] = self._get_all_slice_lists(pDict['out_data'], 'out') pDict['nIn'] = list(range(len(pDict['in_data']))) pDict['nOut'] = list(range(len(pDict['out_data']))) pDict['nProc'] = len(pDict['in_sl']['process']) if 'transfer' in list(pDict['in_sl'].keys()): pDict['nTrans'] = len(pDict['in_sl']['transfer'][0]) else: pDict['nTrans'] = 1 pDict['squeeze'] = self._set_functions(pDict['in_data'], 'squeeze') pDict['expand'] = self._set_functions(pDict['out_data'], 'expand') frames = [f for f in pDict['in_sl']['frames']] self._set_global_frame_index(plugin, frames, pDict['nProc']) self.pDict = pDict
def _transport_process(self, plugin): """ Organise required data and execute the main plugin processing. :param plugin plugin: The current plugin instance. """"transport_process initialise") pDict, result, nTrans = self._initialise(plugin)"transport_process get_checkpoint_params") cp, sProc, sTrans = self.__get_checkpoint_params(plugin) prange = list(range(sProc, pDict['nProc'])) kill = False for count in range(sTrans, nTrans): end = True if count == nTrans-1 else False self._log_completion_status(count, nTrans, # get the transfer data"Transferring the data") transfer_data = self._transfer_all_data(count) if count == nTrans-1 and plugin.fixed_length == False: shape = [data.shape for data in transfer_data] prange = self.remove_extra_slices(prange, shape) # loop over the process data"process frames loop") result, kill = self._process_loop( plugin, prange, transfer_data, count, pDict, result, cp)"Returning the data") self._return_all_data(count, result, end) if kill: return 1 if not kill: cu.user_message("%s - 100%% complete" % (
[docs] def remove_extra_slices(self, prange, transfer_shape): # loop over datasets: for i, data in enumerate(self.pDict['in_data']): pData = data._get_plugin_data() mft = pData.meta_data.get("max_frames_transfer") mfp = pData.meta_data.get("max_frames_process") sdirs = data.get_slice_dimensions() finish =[transfer_shape[i][j] for j in sdirs]) rem, full = math.modf((mft - finish)/mfp) full = int(full) if rem: rem = (mft-finish) - full self._update_slice_list("in_sl", i, full, sdirs[0], rem) for j, out_data in enumerate(self.pDict['out_data']): out_pData = out_data._get_plugin_data() out_mfp = out_pData.meta_data.get("max_frames_process") out_sdir = data.get_slice_dimensions()[0] out_rem = rem/(mfp/out_mfp) if out_rem%1: raise Exception("'Fixed_length' plugin option is invalid") self._update_slice_list("out_sl", j, full, out_sdir, int(out_rem)) return list(range(prange[0], prange[-1]+1-full))
def _update_slice_list(self, key, idx, remove, dim, amount): sl = list(self.pDict[key]['process'][idx][-remove]) s = sl[dim] sl[dim] = slice(s.start, s.stop - amount*s.step, s.step) self.pDict[key]['process'][idx][-1] = sl def _process_loop(self, plugin, prange, tdata, count, pDict, result, cp): kill_signal = False for i in prange: if cp and cp.is_time_to_checkpoint(self, count, i): # kill signal sent so stop the processing return result, True data = self._get_input_data(plugin, tdata, i, count) res = self._get_output_data( plugin.plugin_process_frames(data), i) for j in pDict['nOut']: if res is not None: out_sl = pDict['out_sl']['process'][i][j] if any("res_norm" in s for s in self.data_flow): # an exception when the metadata is created automatically by a parameters in the plugin # this is to fix CGLS_CUDA with a res_norm metadata result[j][out_sl] = res[0][j, ] else: result[j][out_sl] = res[j] else: result[j] = None return result, kill_signal def __get_checkpoint_params(self, plugin): cp = self.exp.checkpoint if cp: cp._initialise(plugin.get_communicator()) return cp, cp.get_proc_idx(), cp.get_trans_idx() return None, 0, 0 def _initialise(self, plugin): self.process_setup(plugin) pDict = self.pDict result = [np.empty(d._get_plugin_data().get_shape_transfer(), dtype=np.float32) for d in pDict['out_data']] # loop over the transfer data nTrans = pDict['nTrans'] self.no_processing = True if not nTrans else False return pDict, result, nTrans def _log_completion_status(self, count, nTrans, name): percent_complete: float = count / (nTrans * 0.01) cu.user_message("%s - %3i%% complete" % (name, percent_complete)) def _transport_checkpoint(self): """ The framework has determined it is time to checkpoint. What should the transport mechanism do? Override if appropriate. """ return False def _transport_kill_signal(self): """ An opportunity to send a kill signal to the framework. Return True or False. """ return False def _get_all_slice_lists(self, data_list, dtype): """ Get all slice lists for the current process. :param list(Data) data_list: Datasets :returns: A list of dictionaries containing slice lists for each \ dataset :rtype: list(dict) """ sl_dict = {} for data in data_list: sl = data._get_transport_data().\ _get_slice_lists_per_process(dtype) for key, value in sl.items(): if key not in sl_dict: sl_dict[key] = [value] else: sl_dict[key].append(value) for key in [k for k in ['process', 'unpad'] if k in list(sl_dict.keys())]: nData = list(range(len(sl_dict[key]))) #rep = range(len(sl_dict[key][0])) sl_dict[key] = [[sl_dict[key][i][j] for i in nData if j < len(sl_dict[key][i])] for j in range(len(sl_dict[key][0]))] return sl_dict def _transfer_all_data(self, count): """ Transfer data from file and pad if required. :param int count: The current frame index. :returns: All data for this frame and associated padded slice lists :rtype: list(np.ndarray), list(tuple(slice)) """ pDict = self.pDict data_list = pDict['in_data'] if 'transfer' in list(pDict['in_sl'].keys()): slice_list = \ [pDict['in_sl']['transfer'][i][count] for i in pDict['nIn']] else: slice_list = [slice(None)]*len(pDict['nIn']) section = [] for i, item in enumerate(data_list): section.append(data_list[i]._get_transport_data(). _get_padded_data(slice_list[i])) return section def _get_input_data(self, plugin, trans_data, nproc, ntrans): data = [] current_sl = [] for d in self.pDict['nIn']: in_sl = self.pDict['in_sl']['process'][nproc][d] data.append(self.pDict['squeeze'][d](trans_data[d][in_sl])) entry = ntrans*self.pDict['nProc'] + nproc if entry < len(self.pDict['in_sl']['current'][d]): current_sl.append(self.pDict['in_sl']['current'][d][entry]) else: current_sl.append(self.pDict['in_sl']['current'][d][-1]) plugin.set_current_slice_list(current_sl) return data def _get_output_data(self, result, count): if result is None: return unpad_sl = self.pDict['out_sl']['unpad'][count] result = result if isinstance(result, list) else [result] for j in self.pDict['nOut']: if any("res_norm" in s for s in self.data_flow): # an exception when the metadata is created automatically by a parameters in the plugin # this is to fix CGLS_CUDA with a res_norm metadata result[0][j, ] = self.pDict['expand'][j](result[0][j, ])[unpad_sl[j]] else: result[j] = self.pDict['expand'][j](result[j])[unpad_sl[j]] return result def _return_all_data(self, count, result, end): """ Transfer plugin results for current frame to backing files. :param int count: The current frame index. :param list(np.ndarray) result: plugin results :param bool end: True if this is the last entry in the slice list. """ pDict = self.pDict data_list = pDict['out_data'] slice_list = None if 'transfer' in list(pDict['out_sl'].keys()): slice_list = \ [pDict['out_sl']['transfer'][i][count] for i in pDict['nOut'] \ if len(pDict['out_sl']['transfer'][i]) > count] result = [result] if type(result) is not list else result for i, item in enumerate(data_list): if result[i] is not None: if slice_list: temp = self._remove_excess_data( data_list[i], result[i], slice_list[i]) data_list[i].data[slice_list[i]] = temp else: data_list[i].data = result[i] def _set_global_frame_index(self, plugin, frame_list, nProc): """ Convert the transfer global frame index to a process global frame index. """ process_frames = [] for f in frame_list: if len(f): process_frames.append(list(range(f[0]*nProc, (f[-1]+1)*nProc))) process_frames = np.array(process_frames) nframes = plugin.get_plugin_in_datasets()[0].get_total_frames() process_frames[process_frames >= nframes] = nframes - 1 frames = process_frames[0] if process_frames.size else process_frames plugin.set_global_frame_index(frames) def _set_functions(self, data_list, name): """ Create a dictionary of functions to remove (squeeze) or re-add (expand) dimensions, of length 1, from each dataset in a list. :param list(Data) data_list: Datasets :param str name: 'squeeze' or 'expand' :returns: A dictionary of lambda functions :rtype: dict """ str_name = 'self.' + name + '_output' function = {'expand': self.__create_expand_function, 'squeeze': self.__create_squeeze_function} ddict = {} for i, item in enumerate(data_list): ddict[i] = {i: str_name + str(i)} ddict[i] = function[name](data_list[i]) return ddict def __create_expand_function(self, data): """ Create a function that re-adds missing dimensions of length 1. :param Data data: Dataset :returns: expansion function :rtype: lambda """ slice_dirs = data.get_slice_dimensions() n_core_dirs = len(data.get_core_dimensions()) new_slice = [slice(None)]*len(data.get_shape()) possible_slices = [copy.copy(new_slice)] pData = data._get_plugin_data() if pData._get_rank_inc(): possible_slices[0] += [0]*pData._get_rank_inc() if len(slice_dirs) > 1: for sl in slice_dirs[1:]: new_slice[sl] = None possible_slices.append(copy.copy(new_slice)) new_slice[slice_dirs[0]] = None possible_slices.append(copy.copy(new_slice)) possible_slices = possible_slices[::-1] return lambda x: x[tuple(possible_slices[len(x.shape)-n_core_dirs])] def __create_squeeze_function(self, data): """ Create a function that removes dimensions of length 1. :param Data data: Dataset :returns: squeeze function :rtype: lambda """ pData = data._get_plugin_data() max_frames = pData._get_max_frames_process() pad = True if pData.padding and data.get_slice_dimensions()[0] in \ list(pData.padding._get_padding_directions().keys()) else False n_core_dims = len(data.get_core_dimensions()) squeeze_dims = data.get_slice_dimensions() if max_frames > 1 or pData._get_no_squeeze() or pad: squeeze_dims = squeeze_dims[1:] n_core_dims +=1 if pData._get_rank_inc(): sl = [(slice(None))]*n_core_dims + [None]*pData._get_rank_inc() return lambda x: np.squeeze(x[tuple(sl)], axis=squeeze_dims) return lambda x: np.squeeze(x, axis=squeeze_dims) def _remove_excess_data(self, data, result, slice_list): """ Remove any excess results due to padding for fixed length process \ frames. """ mData = data._get_plugin_data().meta_data.get_dictionary() temp = np.where(np.array(mData['size_list']) > 1)[0] sdir = mData['sdir'][temp[-1] if temp.size else 0] # Not currently working for basic_transport if isinstance(slice_list, slice): return sl = slice_list[sdir] shape = result.shape if shape[sdir] - (sl.stop - sl.start): unpad_sl = [slice(None)]*len(shape) unpad_sl[sdir] = slice(0, sl.stop - sl.start) result = result[tuple(unpad_sl)] return result def _setup_h5_files(self): out_data_dict = self.exp.index["out_data"] current_and_next = False if 'current_and_next' in self.exp.meta_data.get_dictionary(): current_and_next = self.exp.meta_data.get('current_and_next') count = 0 for key in out_data_dict.keys(): out_data = out_data_dict[key] filename = self.exp.meta_data.get(["filename", key]) out_data.backing_file = self.hdf5._open_backing_h5(filename, 'a') c_and_n = 0 if not current_and_next else current_and_next[key] out_data.group_name, = self.hdf5._create_entries( out_data, key, c_and_n) count += 1 def _set_file_details(self, files): self.exp.meta_data.set('link_type', files['link_type']) self.exp.meta_data.set('link_type', {}) self.exp.meta_data.set('filename', {}) self.exp.meta_data.set('group_name', {}) for key in list(self.exp.index['out_data'].keys()): self.exp.meta_data.set(['link_type', key], files['link_type'][key]) self.exp.meta_data.set(['filename', key], files['filename'][key]) self.exp.meta_data.set(['group_name', key], files['group_name'][key]) def _get_filenames(self, plugin_dict): count = self.exp.meta_data.get('nPlugin') + 1 files = {"filename": {}, "group_name": {}, "link_type": {}} for key in list(self.exp.index["out_data"].keys()): name = key + '_p' + str(count) + '_' + \ plugin_dict['id'].split('.')[-1] + '.h5' link_type = self._get_link_type(key) files['link_type'][key] = link_type if link_type == 'final_result': out_path = self.exp.meta_data.get('out_path') else: out_path = self.exp.meta_data.get('inter_path') filename = os.path.join(out_path, name) group_name = "%i-%s-%s" % (count, plugin_dict['name'], key) files["filename"][key] = filename files["group_name"][key] = group_name return files def _get_link_type(self, name): idx = self.exp.meta_data.get('nPlugin') temp = [e for entry in self.data_flow[idx+1:] for e in entry] if name in temp or self.exp.index['out_data'][name].remove: return 'intermediate' return 'final_result' def _populate_nexus_file(self, data, iterate_group=None): filename = self.exp.meta_data.get('nxs_filename') with h5py.File(filename, 'a') as nxs_file: nxs_entry = nxs_file['entry'] name = data.data_info.get('name') group_name = self.exp.meta_data.get(['group_name', name]) link_type = self.exp.meta_data.get(['link_type', name]) if link_type == 'final_result': if iterate_group is not None and \ check_if_end_plugin_in_iterate_group(self.exp): is_clone_data = 'clone' in name is_even_iterations = \ iterate_group._ip_fixed_iterations % 2 == 0 # don't need to create group for: # - clone dataset, if running an odd number of iterations # - original dataset, if running an even number of # iterations if is_clone_data and not is_even_iterations: return elif not is_clone_data and is_even_iterations: return # the group name for the output of the iterative loop should be # named after the original dataset, regardless of if the link # eventually points to the original or the clone, for the sake # of the linkname referencing the dataset name set in # savu_config group_name = 'final_result_' + data.get_name(orig=True) else: link = nxs_entry.require_group(link_type.encode("ascii")) link.attrs[NX_CLASS] = 'NXcollection' nxs_entry = link # delete the group if it already exists if group_name in nxs_entry: del nxs_entry[group_name] plugin_entry = nxs_entry.require_group(group_name) plugin_entry.attrs[NX_CLASS] = 'NXdata' if iterate_group is not None and \ check_if_end_plugin_in_iterate_group(self.exp): # always write the metadata under the name of the original # dataset, not the clone dataset self._output_metadata(data, plugin_entry, data.get_name(orig=False)) else: self._output_metadata(data, plugin_entry, name) def _populate_pre_run_nexus_file(self, data): filename = self.exp.meta_data.get('nxs_filename') data_path = self.exp.meta_data["data_path"] image_key_path = self.exp.meta_data["image_key_path"] name = data.data_info.get('name') group_name = self.exp.meta_data.get(['group_name', name]) with h5py.File(filename, 'a') as nxs_file: if data_path in nxs_file: del nxs_file[data_path] nxs_file[data_path] = h5py.ExternalLink(os.path.abspath(data.backing_file.filename), f"{group_name}/data") if image_key_path in nxs_file: nxs_file[image_key_path][::] =[::] #nxs_file[data_path].attrs.create("pre_run", True) def _output_metadata(self, data, entry, name, dump=False): self.__output_data_type(entry, data, name) mDict = data.meta_data.get_dictionary() self._output_metadata_dict(entry.require_group('meta_data'), mDict) if not dump: self.__output_axis_labels(data, entry) self.__output_data_patterns(data, entry) if self.exp.meta_data.get('link_type')[name] == 'input_data': # output the filename entry['file_path'] = \ os.path.abspath(self.exp.meta_data.get('data_file')) def __output_data_type(self, entry, data, name): data = if 'data' in list(data.__dict__.keys()) else data if isinstance(data, h5py.Dataset): return entry = entry.require_group('data_type') entry.attrs[NX_CLASS] = 'NXcollection' ltype = self.exp.meta_data.get('link_type') if name in list(ltype.keys()) and ltype[name] == 'input_data': self.__output_data(entry, data.__class__.__name__, 'cls') return args, kwargs, cls, extras = data._get_parameters(data.get_clone_args()) for key, value in kwargs.items(): gp = entry.require_group('kwargs') if isinstance(value, BaseType): self.__output_data_type(gp.require_group(key), value, key) else: self.__output_data(gp, value, key) for key, value in extras.items(): gp = entry.require_group('extras') if isinstance(value, BaseType): self.__output_data_type(gp.require_group(key), value, key) else: self.__output_data(gp, value, key) for i, item in enumerate(args): gp = entry.require_group('args') self.__output_data(gp, args[i], ''.join(['args', str(i)])) self.__output_data(entry, cls, 'cls') if 'data' in list(data.__dict__.keys()) and not \ isinstance(, h5py.Dataset): gp = entry.require_group('data') self.__output_data_type(gp,, 'data') def __output_data(self, entry, data, name): if isinstance(data, dict): entry = entry.require_group(name) entry.attrs[NX_CLASS] = 'NXcollection' for key, value in data.items(): self.__output_data(entry, value, key) else: try: self.__create_dataset(entry, name, data) except Exception: try: import json data = np.array([json.dumps(data).encode("ascii")]) self.__create_dataset(entry, name, data) except Exception: try: data = cu._savu_encoder(data) self.__create_dataset(entry, name, data) except: raise Exception('Unable to output %s to file.' % name) def __create_dataset(self, entry, name, data): if name not in list(entry.keys()): entry.create_dataset(name, data=data) else: entry[name][...] = data def __output_axis_labels(self, data, entry): axis_labels = data.data_info.get("axis_labels") ddict = data.meta_data.get_dictionary() axes = [] count = 0 for labels in axis_labels: name = list(labels.keys())[0] axes.append(name) entry.attrs[name + '_indices'] = count mData = ddict[name] if name in list(ddict.keys()) \ else np.arange(data.get_shape()[count]) if isinstance(mData, list): mData = np.array(mData) if 'U' in str(mData.dtype): mData = mData.astype(np.string_) axis_entry = entry.require_dataset(name, mData.shape, mData.dtype) axis_entry[...] = mData[...] axis_entry.attrs['units'] = list(labels.values())[0] count += 1 entry.attrs['axes'] = axes def __output_data_patterns(self, data, entry): data_patterns = data.data_info.get("data_patterns") entry = entry.require_group('patterns') entry.attrs[NX_CLASS] = 'NXcollection' for pattern in data_patterns: nx_data = entry.require_group(pattern) nx_data.attrs[NX_CLASS] = 'NXparameters' values = data_patterns[pattern] self.__output_data(nx_data, values['core_dims'], 'core_dims') self.__output_data(nx_data, values['slice_dims'], 'slice_dims') def _output_metadata_dict(self, entry, mData): entry.attrs[NX_CLASS] = 'NXcollection' for key, value in mData.items(): nx_data = entry.require_group(key) if isinstance(value, dict): self._output_metadata_dict(nx_data, value) else: nx_data.attrs[NX_CLASS] = 'NXdata' self.__output_data(nx_data, value, key)