Source code for plugins.utils

# Copyright 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
.. module:: utils
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Utilities for plugin management

.. moduleauthor:: Mark Basham <>


import os
import re
import sys
import ast
import logging
import savu
import importlib
import inspect
import itertools

from collections import OrderedDict
from colorama import Fore, Style
import numpy as np

from savu.plugins.loaders.utils.my_safe_constructor import MySafeConstructor

# can I remove these from here?

load_tools = {}
plugins = {}
plugins_path = {}
dawn_plugins = {}
count = 0


[docs]def register_plugin(clazz): """decorator to add plugins to a central register""" plugins[clazz.__name__] = clazz if clazz.__module__.split(".")[0] != "savu": plugins_path[clazz.__name__] = clazz.__module__ return clazz
[docs]def dawn_compatible(plugin_output_type=OUTPUT_TYPE_METADATA_AND_DATA): def _dawn_compatible(clazz): """ decorator to add dawn compatible plugins and details to a central register """ dawn_plugins[clazz.__name__] = {} try: plugin_path = sys.modules[clazz.__module__].__file__ # looks out for .pyc files dawn_plugins[clazz.__name__]['path2plugin'] = plugin_path.split('.py')[0] + '.py' dawn_plugins[clazz.__name__]['plugin_output_type'] = _plugin_output_type except Exception as e: print(e) return clazz # for backwards compatibility, if decorator is invoked without brackets... if inspect.isclass(plugin_output_type): _plugin_output_type = OUTPUT_TYPE_METADATA_AND_DATA return _dawn_compatible(plugin_output_type) else: _plugin_output_type = plugin_output_type return _dawn_compatible
[docs]def get_plugin(plugin_name, params, exp, check=False): """Get an instance of the plugin class and populate default parameters. :param plugin_name: Name of the plugin to import :type plugin_name: str. :returns: An instance of the class described by the named plugin. """ logging.debug("Importing the module %s", plugin_name) instance = load_class(plugin_name)() instance.initialise(params, exp, check=check) return instance
def _get_cls_name(name): return "".join(x.capitalize() for x in name.split(".")[-1].split("_"))
[docs]def load_class(name, cls_name=None): """Returns an instance of the class associated with the module name. :param name: Module name or path to a module file :returns: An instance of the class associated with module. """ path = name if os.path.dirname(name) else None name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(name)[0]) if path else name if "savu_plugins" in name and "tools" not in name: _user_directory_warning(_get_cls_name(name)) cls_name = _get_cls_name(name) if not cls_name else cls_name if cls_name in plugins.keys(): return plugins[cls_name] if path: mod = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(name, path).load_module() else: mod = importlib.import_module(name) return getattr(mod, cls_name)
[docs]def plugin_loader(exp, plugin_dict, check=False): logging.debug("Running plugin loader") try: plugin = get_plugin(plugin_dict['id'], plugin_dict['data'], exp, check=check) except Exception as e: logging.error("failed to load the plugin") logging.error(e) # re-raise the original error raise if check: exp.meta_data.plugin_list._set_datasets_list(plugin) logging.debug("finished plugin loader") return plugin
[docs]def get_tools_class(plugin_tools_id, cls=None): """Load the plugin tools class :param plugin_tools_id: plugin tools module name :param cls: Class to initialise :return: """ if plugin_tools_id == "savu.plugins.plugin_tools": plugin_tools_id = "savu.plugins.base_tools" if cls: return load_class(plugin_tools_id)(cls) else: return load_class(plugin_tools_id)
[docs]def get_plugins_paths(examples=True): """ This gets the plugin paths, but also adds any that are not on the pythonpath to it. """ plugins_paths = OrderedDict() # Add the savu plugins paths first so it is overridden by user folders savu_plugins_path = os.path.join(savu.__path__[0], 'plugins') savu_plugins_subpaths = [d for d in next(os.walk(savu_plugins_path))[1] \ if d != "__pycache__"] for path in savu_plugins_subpaths: plugins_paths[os.path.join(savu_plugins_path, path)] = \ ''.join(['savu.plugins.', path, '.']) # get user, environment and example plugin paths user_path = [os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "savu_plugins")] env_paths = os.getenv("SAVU_PLUGINS_PATH", "").replace(" ", "").split(":") templates = "../examples/plugin_examples/plugin_templates" eg_path = [os.path.join(savu.__path__[0], templates)] if examples else [] for ppath in env_paths + user_path + eg_path: if os.path.exists(ppath): plugins_paths[ppath] = os.path.basename(ppath) + "." if ppath not in sys.path: sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(ppath)) return plugins_paths
def _user_directory_warning(plugin_name): """Warn the user that their plugin may override official plugins :plugin_name plugin name """ user_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "savu_plugins") print("-"*58) print(f" You are loading the plugin {plugin_name} from the following") print(f" location: {user_path}") warn_c = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RED warn_str1 = f" WARNING The plugin {plugin_name} will be prioritised over a " warn_str2 = f" {plugin_name} plugin if present in the released version." print(warn_c + warn_str1 ) print(warn_str2 + Fore.BLACK) print("-"*58)
[docs]def is_template_param(param): """Identifies if the parameter should be included in an input template and returns the default value of the parameter if it exists. """ start = 0 ptype = "local" if isinstance(param, str): param = param.strip() if not param.split("global")[0]: ptype = "global" start = 6 first, last = param[start], param[-1] if first == "<" and last == ">": param = param[start + 1 : -1] param = None if not param else param try: param = eval(param) except: pass return [ptype, param] return False
[docs]def blockPrint(): """ Disable printing to stdout """ import tempfile fname = tempfile.mkdtemp() + "/unwanted_prints.txt" sys.stdout = open(fname, "w")
[docs]def enablePrint(): """ Enable printing to stdout """ sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
[docs]def parse_config_string(string): regex = r"[\[\]\, ]+" split_vals = [_f for _f in re.split(regex, string) if _f] delimitors = re.findall(regex, string) split_vals = [repr(a.strip()) for a in split_vals] zipped = itertools.zip_longest(delimitors, split_vals) string = "".join([i for l in zipped for i in l if i is not None]) try: return ast.literal_eval(string) except ValueError: return ast.literal_eval(parse_array_index_as_string(string))
[docs]def parse_array_index_as_string(string): p = re.compile(r"'\['") for m in p.finditer(string): offset = m.start() - count + 3 end = string[offset:].index("']") + offset string = string[:end] + "]'" + string[end + 2 :] string = string.replace("'['", "[") return string
[docs]def param_to_str(param_name, keys): """Check the parameter is within the provided list and return the string name. """ if param_name.isdigit(): param_name = int(param_name) if param_name <= len(keys): param_name = keys[param_name - 1] else: raise ValueError( "This parameter number is not valid for this plugin" ) elif param_name not in keys: raise Exception("This parameter is not present in this plug in.") return param_name
[docs]def set_order_by_visibility(parameters, level=False): """Return an ordered list of parameters depending on the visibility level :param parameters: The dictionary of parameters :param level: The visibility level :return: An ordered list of parameters """ data_keys = [] basic_keys = [] interm_keys = [] adv_keys = [] for k, v in parameters.items(): if v["display"] == "on": if v["visibility"] == "datasets": data_keys.append(k) if v["visibility"] == "basic": basic_keys.append(k) if v["visibility"] == "intermediate": interm_keys.append(k) if v["visibility"] == "advanced": adv_keys.append(k) if level: if level == "datasets": keys = data_keys elif level == "basic": keys = basic_keys elif level == "intermediate": keys = basic_keys + interm_keys + data_keys elif level == "advanced": keys = basic_keys + interm_keys + adv_keys + data_keys else: keys = basic_keys + interm_keys + adv_keys + data_keys else: keys = basic_keys + interm_keys + adv_keys + data_keys return keys
[docs]def convert_multi_params(param_name, value): """Check if value is a multi parameter and check if each item is valid. Change from the input multi parameter string to a list :param param_name: Name of the parameter :param value: Parameter value :return: List or unchanged value """ error_str = "" multi_parameters = ( isinstance(value, str) and (";" in value) and param_name != "preview" ) if multi_parameters: value = value.split(";") isdict = re.findall(r"[\{\}]+", value[0]) if ":" in value[0] and not isdict: seq = value[0].split(":") try: seq = [ast.literal_eval(s) for s in seq] if len(value) == 0: error_str = ( f"No values for tuned parameter " f"'{param_name}' ensure start:stop:step; values " f"are valid" ) elif len(seq) == 2: value = list(np.arange(seq[0], seq[1])) elif len(seq) > 2: value = list(np.arange(seq[0], seq[1], seq[2])) else: error_str = "Ensure start:stop:step; values are valid." if not value: # Don't allow an empty list raise ValueError except: error_str = "Ensure start:stop:step; values are valid." val_list = ( parse_config_string(value) if isinstance(value, str) else value ) # Remove blank list entries # Change type to int, float or str val_list = [_dumps(val) for val in value if val] value = val_list return value, error_str
def _dumps(val): """Replace any missing quotes around variables Change the string to an integer, float, tuple, list, str, dict """ import yaml # Prevent conversion from on/off to boolean yaml.SafeLoader.add_constructor( ",2002:bool", MySafeConstructor.add_bool ) if isinstance(val, str): try: # Safely evaluate an expression node or a string containing # a Python literal or container display value = ast.literal_eval(val) return value except Exception: pass try: isdict = re.findall(r"[\{\}]+", val) val = _sexagesimal_check(val, isdict, remove=False) value = yaml.safe_load(val) return _sexagesimal_check(value, isdict) except Exception: val = _sexagesimal_check(val, isdict) pass try: isdict = re.findall(r"[\{\}]+", val) # Matches { } between one and unlimited number of times if isdict: if isinstance(val, dict): value_dict = {} for k, v in val.items(): v = v.replace("[", "'[").replace("]", "]'") value_dict[k] = _dumps( yaml.safe_load(v) ) return value_dict else: value = val.replace("[", "'[").replace("]", "]'") return _dumps(yaml.safe_load(value)) else: value = parse_config_string(val) return value except Exception: if len(val.split(";")) > 1: value = val return value else: raise Exception("Invalid string %s" % val) else: value = val return value def _sexagesimal_check(val, isdict, remove=True): """To avoid sexagesimal values being evaluated, replace colon values temporarily :param val: :param isdict: True if braces {} found :return: value """ if isinstance(val, str) and not isdict: if remove: val = val.replace(":?", ":") else: val = val.replace(":", ":?") return val
[docs]def check_valid_dimension(dim, prev_list): """Check the dimension is within the correct range""" if not 0 < dim < 21: raise Exception("Please use a dimension between 1 and 20.") if prev_list and (dim > len(prev_list)): raise Exception( "You have not specified enough dimensions " "inside the preview parameter." ) return True
[docs]def is_slice_notation(value): """Return True if the value is made up of multiple""" return isinstance(value, str) and (":" in value)
[docs]def create_dir(file_path): """Check if directories provided exist at this file path. If they don't create the directories. """ directory = os.path.dirname(file_path) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory)
[docs]def indent_multi_line_str(text, indent_level=1, justify=False): text = text.split("\n") # Remove additional spacing on the left side so that text aligns if justify is False: text = [(" " * 4 * indent_level) + line for line in text] else: text = [(" " * 4 * indent_level) + line.lstrip() for line in text] text = "\n".join(text) return text
[docs]def indent(text, indent_level=1): text = (" " * 4 * indent_level) + text return text
[docs]def sort_alphanum(_list): """Sort list numerically and alphabetically *While maintaining original list value types* :param _list: Input list to be sorted :return: List sorted by number and letter alphabetically """ return sorted(_list, key=_alphanum)
def _str_to_int(_str): """Convert the input str to an int if possible :param _str: input string :return: integer if text is a digit, else string """ return int(_str) if _str.isdigit() else _str def _alphanum(_str): """Split string into numbers and letters :param _str: :return: list of numbers and letters """ _str = _str.strip() # Remove spacing char_list = re.split("([0-9]+)", _str) char_list = list(filter(None, char_list)) return [_str_to_int(c) for c in char_list]