Source code for plugins.ring_removal.ring_removal_waveletfft

# Copyright 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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.. module:: ring_removal_wavelengtfft
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Method working in the sinogram space to remove ring artifacts.
.. moduleauthor: Adapted from  tomopy source code:

import logging
import numpy as np
import pywt

from savu.plugins.filters.base_filter import BaseFilter
from savu.plugins.driver.cpu_plugin import CpuPlugin
from savu.plugins.utils import register_plugin

[docs]@register_plugin class RingRemovalWaveletfft(BaseFilter, CpuPlugin): def __init__(self): super(RingRemovalWaveletfft, self).__init__("RingRemovalWaveletfft") self.count = 0
[docs] def pre_process(self): in_pData = self.get_plugin_in_datasets()[0] self.slice_dir = in_pData.get_slice_dimension() nDims = len(in_pData.get_shape()) self.sslice = [slice(None)] * nDims sino_shape = list(in_pData.get_shape()) if len(sino_shape) == 3: del sino_shape[self.slice_dir] self.pad = self.parameters['padFT'] n = np.abs(self.parameters['nvalue']) self.sigma = np.abs(self.parameters['sigma']) self.level = np.abs(self.parameters['level']) self.waveletname = 'db' + str(n)
[docs] def process_frames(self, data): output = np.empty_like(data[0]) nSlices = data[0].shape[self.slice_dir] for i in range(nSlices): self.sslice[self.slice_dir] = i sino = data[0][tuple(self.sslice)] (nrow, ncol) = sino.shape if self.pad > 0: sino = np.pad(sino, ((self.pad, self.pad), (0, 0)), mode='mean') sino = np.pad(sino, ((0, 0), (self.pad, self.pad)), mode='edge') # Wavelet decomposition. cH = [] cV = [] cD = [] for j in range(self.level): sino, (cHt, cVt, cDt) = pywt.dwt2(sino, self.waveletname) cH.append(cHt) cV.append(cVt) cD.append(cDt) # FFT transform of horizontal frequency bands. for j in range(self.level): # FFT fcV = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(cV[j])) my, mx = fcV.shape # Damping of ring artifact information. y_hat = (np.arange(-my, my, 2, dtype='float') + 1) / 2.0 damp = 1 - np.exp( -np.power(y_hat, 2) / (2 * np.power(self.sigma, 2))) fcV = np.multiply(fcV, np.transpose(np.tile(damp, (mx, 1)))) # Inverse FFT. cV[j] = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(fcV))) # Wavelet reconstruction. for j in range(self.level)[::-1]: sino = sino[0:cH[j].shape[0], 0:cH[j].shape[1]] sino = pywt.idwt2((sino, (cH[j], cV[j], cD[j])), self.waveletname) output[tuple(self.sslice)] = sino[self.pad:nrow + self.pad, self.pad:ncol + self.pad] return output
[docs] def get_plugin_pattern(self): return 'SINOGRAM'
[docs] def get_max_frames(self): return 'multiple'