Source code for plugins.reconstructions.ccpi_cgls_recon

# Copyright 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

.. module:: ccpi_cgls_recon
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Wrapper around the CCPi cgls reconstruction algorithm.

.. moduleauthor:: Nicola Wadeson <>


import logging
import numpy as np

from ccpi.reconstruction.parallelbeam import alg as ccpi_alg

from savu.plugins.utils import register_plugin
from savu.plugins.driver.cpu_plugin import CpuPlugin
from savu.plugins.reconstructions.base_recon import BaseRecon

[docs]@register_plugin class CcpiCglsRecon(BaseRecon, CpuPlugin): """ """ def __init__(self): super(CcpiCglsRecon, self).__init__("CcpiCglsRecon")
[docs] def pre_process(self): self.n_iters = self.parameters['n_iterations'] self.res = self.parameters['resolution'] in_data = self.get_in_datasets()[0] in_pData = self.get_plugin_in_datasets()[0] det_x = in_pData.get_data_dimension_by_axis_label('detector_x') self.width = in_data.get_shape()[det_x]
[docs] def process_frames(self, data): sino = data[0] cors, angles, vol_shape, init = self.get_frame_params() voxels = ccpi_alg.cgls(sino.astype(np.float32), angles.astype(np.float32), cors[0], self.res, self.n_iters, 1, self.parameters['log']) # need to get left and right shift and crop pad_start, pad_end = self.array_pad(cors[0], self.width) return np.transpose(voxels[pad_start:pad_end, pad_start:pad_end, :], (0, 2, 1))
[docs] def array_pad(self, ctr, nPixels): width = nPixels - 1.0 alen = ctr blen = width - ctr mid = (width-1.0)/2.0 shift = round(abs(blen-alen)) p_low = 0 if (ctr > mid) else shift p_high = shift + 0 if (ctr > mid) else 0 pad = max(p_low, p_high) if pad == 0: return 0, -1 return int(pad/2-1), int(-np.ceil(pad/2.0))
[docs] def get_max_frames(self): # this algorithm requires a multiple of 8 frames default = 16 n_frames = self.parameters['n_frames'] if n_frames % 8 != 0: n_frames = default logging.warn('incorrect number of frames requested for cgls_recon,' ' using %s', default) return n_frames