Source code for plugins.reconstructions.base_recon

# Copyright 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

.. module:: base_recon
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: A base class for all reconstruction methods

.. moduleauthor:: Mark Basham <>


import math
import copy
import numpy as np
import subprocess as sp
import os
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')

import savu.core.utils as cu
from savu.plugins.plugin import Plugin


[docs]class BaseRecon(Plugin): def __init__(self, name='BaseRecon'): super(BaseRecon, self).__init__(name) self.nOut = 1 self.nIn = 1 self.scan_dim = None self.rep_dim = None self.br_vol_shape = None self.frame_angles = None self.frame_cors = None self.projection_shifts = None self.frame_init_data = None self.centre = None self.base_pad_amount = None self.padding_alg = False self.cor_shift = 0 self.init_vol = False self.cor_as_dataset = False
[docs] def base_pre_process(self): in_data, out_data = self.get_datasets() in_pData, out_pData = self.get_plugin_datasets() self.pad_dim = \ in_pData[0].get_data_dimension_by_axis_label('x', contains=True) in_meta_data = self.get_in_meta_data()[0] self.exp.log( + " End") self.br_vol_shape = out_pData[0].get_shape() self.set_centre_of_rotation(in_data[0], out_data[0], in_meta_data) self.set_projection_shifts(in_data[0], out_data[0], in_meta_data) self.main_dir = in_data[0].get_data_patterns()['SINOGRAM']['main_dir'] self.angles = in_meta_data.get('rotation_angle') if len(self.angles.shape) != 1: self.scan_dim = in_data[0].get_data_dimension_by_axis_label('scan') self.slice_dirs = out_data[0].get_slice_dimensions() shape = in_pData[0].get_shape() factor = self.__get_outer_pad() self.sino_pad = int(math.ceil(factor * shape[self.pad_dim])) self.sino_func, self.cor_func = self.set_function(shape) self.range = self.parameters['force_zero'] self.fix_sino = self.get_sino_centre_method()
def __get_outer_pad(self): pad = self.parameters['outer_pad'] if 'outer_pad' in self.parameters \ else False # length of diagonal of square is side*sqrt(2) factor = math.sqrt(2) - 1 if isinstance(pad, bool): return factor if pad is True else 0 factor = float(pad) if factor > MAX_OUTER_PAD: factor = MAX_OUTER_PAD msg = 'Maximum outer_pad value is 2.1, using this instead' cu.user_message(msg) return factor
[docs] def get_vol_shape(self): return self.br_vol_shape
[docs] def set_projection_shifts(self, inData, outData, mData): # get experimental metadata of projection_shifts if 'projection_shifts' in list(self.exp.meta_data.dict.keys()): self.projection_shifts = self.exp.meta_data.dict['projection_shifts'] else: proj_shifts = np.zeros((inData.get_shape()[0], 2)) # initialise a 2d array of projection shifts self.exp.meta_data.set('projection_shifts', proj_shifts) outData.meta_data.set("projection_shifts", copy.deepcopy(self.projection_shifts))
[docs] def set_centre_of_rotation(self, inData, outData, mData): # if cor has been passed as a dataset then do nothing if isinstance(self.parameters['centre_of_rotation'], str): return if 'centre_of_rotation' in list(mData.get_dictionary().keys()): cor = self.__set_param_from_meta_data(mData, inData, 'centre_of_rotation') else: val = self.parameters['centre_of_rotation'] if isinstance(val, dict): cor = self.__polyfit_cor(val, inData) else: sdirs = inData.get_slice_dimensions() cor = np.ones([inData.get_shape()[i] for i in sdirs])) # if centre of rotation has not been set then fix it in the # centre val = val if val != 0 else \ (self.get_vol_shape()[self._get_detX_dim()]) / 2.0 cor *= val # mData.set('centre_of_rotation', cor) see Github ticket self.cor = cor outData.meta_data.set("centre_of_rotation", copy.deepcopy(self.cor)) self.centre = self.cor[0]
[docs] def populate_metadata_to_output(self, inData, outData, mData, meta_list): # writing into the metadata associated with the output (reconstruction) for meta_items in meta_list: outData.meta_data.set(meta_items, copy.deepcopy(mData.get(meta_items))) xDim = inData.get_data_dimension_by_axis_label('x', contains=True) det_length = inData.get_shape()[xDim] outData.meta_data.set("detector_x_length", copy.deepcopy(det_length))
def __set_param_from_meta_data(self, mData, inData, meta_string): meta_param = mData.get(meta_string) sdirs = inData.get_slice_dimensions() total_frames =[inData.get_shape()[i] for i in sdirs]) if total_frames > len(meta_param): meta_param = np.tile(meta_param, total_frames // len(meta_param)) return meta_param def __polyfit_cor(self, cor_dict, inData): if 'detector_y' in list(inData.meta_data.get_dictionary().keys()): y = inData.meta_data.get('detector_y') else: yDim = inData.get_data_dimension_by_axis_label('detector_y') y = np.arange(inData.get_shape()[yDim]) z = np.polyfit(list(map(int, list(cor_dict.keys()))), list(cor_dict.values()), 1) p = np.poly1d(z) cor = p(y) return cor
[docs] def set_function(self, pad_shape): centre_pad = self.parameters['centre_pad'] if 'centre_pad' in \ self.parameters else False if not centre_pad: def cor_func(cor): return cor if self.parameters['log']: sino_func = self.__make_lambda() else: sino_func = self.__make_lambda(log=False) else: def cor_func(cor): return cor + self.sino_pad if self.parameters['log']: sino_func = self.__make_lambda(pad=pad_shape) else: sino_func = self.__make_lambda(pad=pad_shape, log=False) return sino_func, cor_func
def __make_lambda(self, log=True, pad=False): log_func = 'np.nan_to_num(sino)' if not log else self.parameters['log_func'] if pad: pad_tuples, mode = self.__get_pad_values(pad) log_func = log_func.replace( 'sino', 'np.pad(sino, %s, "%s")' % (pad_tuples, mode)) return eval("lambda sino: " + log_func) def __get_pad_values(self, pad_shape): mode = 'edge' pad_tuples = [(0, 0)] * (len(pad_shape) - 1) pad_tuples.insert(self.pad_dim, (self.sino_pad, self.sino_pad)) pad_tuples = tuple(pad_tuples) return pad_tuples, mode
[docs] def base_process_frames_before(self, data): """ Reconstruct a single sinogram with the provided centre of rotation """ sl = self.get_current_slice_list()[0] init = data[1] if self.init_vol else None angles = \ self.angles[:, sl[self.scan_dim]] if self.scan_dim else self.angles angles = np.squeeze(angles) self.frame_angles = angles dim_sl = sl[self.main_dir] if self.cor_as_dataset: self.frame_cors = self.cor_func(data[len(data) - 1]) else: frame_nos = \ self.get_plugin_in_datasets()[0].get_current_frame_idx() a = self.cor[tuple([frame_nos])] self.frame_cors = self.cor_func(a) # for extra padded frames that make up the numbers if not self.frame_cors.shape: self.frame_cors = np.array([self.centre]) len_data = len(np.arange(dim_sl.start, dim_sl.stop, dim_sl.step)) missing = [self.centre] * (len(self.frame_cors) - len_data) self.frame_cors = np.append(self.frame_cors, missing) # fix to remove NaNs in the initialised image if init is not None: init[np.isnan(init)] == 0.0 self.frame_init_data = init data[0] = self.fix_sino(self.sino_func(data[0]), self.frame_cors[0]) return data
[docs] def base_process_frames_after(self, data): lower_range, upper_range = self.range data = np.nan_to_num(data) if lower_range is not None: data[data < lower_range] = 0.0 if upper_range is not None: data[data > upper_range] = 0.0 return data
[docs] def pad_sino(self, sino, cor): """ Pad the sinogram so the centre of rotation is at the centre. """ detX = self._get_detX_dim() pad = self.get_centre_offset(sino, cor, detX) self.cor_shift = pad[0] pad_tuples = [(0, 0)] * (len(sino.shape) - 1) pad_tuples.insert(detX, tuple(pad)) self.__set_pad_amount(max(pad)) return np.pad(sino, tuple(pad_tuples), mode='edge')
def _get_detX_dim(self): pData = self.get_plugin_in_datasets()[0] return pData.get_data_dimension_by_axis_label('x', contains=True)
[docs] def get_centre_offset(self, sino, cor, detX): centre_pad = self.br_array_pad(cor, sino.shape[detX]) sino_width = sino.shape[detX] new_width = sino_width + max(centre_pad) sino_pad = int(math.ceil(float(sino_width) / new_width * self.sino_pad) // 2) pad = np.array([sino_pad]*2) + centre_pad return pad
[docs] def get_centre_shift(self, sino, cor): detX = self._get_detX_dim() return max(self.get_centre_offset(sino, self.centre, detX))
[docs] def crop_sino(self, sino, cor): """ Crop the sinogram so the centre of rotation is at the centre. """ detX = self._get_detX_dim() start, stop = self.br_array_pad(cor, sino.shape[detX])[::-1] self.cor_shift = -start sl = [slice(None)] * len(sino.shape) sl[detX] = slice(start, sino.shape[detX] - stop) sino = sino[tuple(sl)] self.set_mask(sino.shape) return sino
[docs] def br_array_pad(self, ctr, nPixels): width = nPixels - 1.0 alen = ctr blen = width - ctr mid = (width - 1.0) / 2.0 shift = round(abs(blen - alen)) p_low = 0 if (ctr > mid) else shift p_high = shift + 0 if (ctr > mid) else 0 return np.array([int(p_low), int(p_high)])
[docs] def keep_sino(self, sino, cor): """ No change to the sinogram """ return sino
[docs] def get_sino_centre_method(self): centre_pad = self.keep_sino if 'centre_pad' in list(self.parameters.keys()): cpad = self.parameters['centre_pad'] if not (cpad is True or cpad is False): raise Exception('Unknown value for "centre_pad", please choose' ' True or False.') centre_pad = self.pad_sino if cpad else self.crop_sino return centre_pad
def __set_pad_amount(self, pad_amount): self.base_pad_amount = pad_amount
[docs] def get_pad_amount(self): return self.base_pad_amount
[docs] def get_fov_fraction(self, sino, cor): """ Get the fraction of the original FOV that can be reconstructed due\ to offset centre """ pData = self.get_plugin_in_datasets()[0] detX = pData.get_data_dimension_by_axis_label('x', contains=True) original_length = sino.shape[detX] shift = self.get_centre_shift(sino, cor) return (original_length - shift) / float(original_length)
[docs] def get_reconstruction_alg(self): return None
[docs] def get_angles(self): """ Get the angles associated with the current sinogram(s). :returns: Angles of the current frames. :rtype: np.ndarray """ return self.frame_angles
[docs] def get_proj_shifts(self): """ Get the 2D (X-Y) shifts associated with every projection frame :returns: projecton shifts for the current frames. :rtype: np.ndarray """ return self.projection_shifts
[docs] def get_cors(self): """ Get the centre of rotations associated with the current sinogram(s). :returns: Centre of rotation values for the current frames. :rtype: np.ndarray """ return self.frame_cors + self.cor_shift
[docs] def set_mask(self, shape): pass
[docs] def get_initial_data(self): """ Get the initial data (if it is exists) associated with the current \ sinogram(s). :returns: The section of the initialisation data associated with the \ current frames. :rtype: np.ndarray or None """ return self.frame_init_data
[docs] def get_frame_params(self): params = [self.get_cors(), self.get_angles(), self.get_vol_shape(), self.get_initial_data()] return params
[docs] def get_frame_shifts(self): return self.get_proj_shifts()
[docs] def setup(self): in_dataset, out_dataset = self.get_datasets() # reduce the data as per data_subset parameter self.preview_flag = \ self.set_preview(in_dataset[0], self.parameters['preview']) self._set_volume_dimensions(in_dataset[0]) axis_labels = self._get_axis_labels(in_dataset[0]) shape = self._get_shape(in_dataset[0]) # output dataset out_dataset[0].create_dataset(axis_labels=axis_labels, shape=shape) out_dataset[0].add_volume_patterns(*self._get_volume_dimensions()) # set information relating to the plugin data in_pData, out_pData = self.get_plugin_datasets() self.init_vol = 1 if 'init_vol' in list(self.parameters.keys()) and\ self.parameters['init_vol'] else 0 self.cor_as_dataset = 1 if isinstance( self.parameters['centre_of_rotation'], str) else 0 for i in range(len(in_dataset) - self.init_vol - self.cor_as_dataset): in_pData[i].plugin_data_setup('SINOGRAM', self.get_max_frames(), slice_axis=self.get_slice_axis()) idx = 1 # initial volume dataset if self.init_vol: # from import Replicate # if self.rep_dim: # in_dataset[idx].data = Replicate( # in_dataset[idx], in_dataset[0].get_shape(self.rep_dim)) in_pData[1].plugin_data_setup('VOLUME_XZ', self.get_max_frames()) idx += 1 # cor dataset if self.cor_as_dataset: self.cor_as_dataset = True in_pData[idx].plugin_data_setup('METADATA', self.get_max_frames()) # set pattern_name and nframes to process for all datasets out_pData[0].plugin_data_setup('VOLUME_XZ', self.get_max_frames()) meta_list = ['rotation_angle'] # metadata list to populate in_meta_data = self.get_in_meta_data()[0] if 'projection_shifts' in list(self.exp.meta_data.dict.keys()): self.projection_shifts = self.exp.meta_data.dict['projection_shifts'] else: self.projection_shifts = np.zeros((in_dataset[0].get_shape()[self.volX], 2)) # initialise a 2d array of projection shifts self.exp.meta_data.set('projection_shifts', copy.deepcopy(self.projection_shifts)) out_dataset[0].meta_data.set("projection_shifts", copy.deepcopy(self.projection_shifts)) self.populate_metadata_to_output(in_dataset[0], out_dataset[0], in_meta_data, meta_list)
def _get_axis_labels(self, in_dataset): """ Get the new axis labels for the output dataset - this is now a volume. Parameters ---------- in_dataset : :class:`` The input dataset to the plugin. Returns ------- labels : dict The axis labels for the dataset that is output from the plugin. """ labels = in_dataset.data_info.get('axis_labels')[0] volX, volY, volZ = self._get_volume_dimensions() labels = [str(volX) + '.voxel_x.voxels', str(volZ) + '.voxel_z.voxels'] if volY: labels.append(str(volY) + '.voxel_y.voxels') labels = {in_dataset: labels} return labels def _set_volume_dimensions(self, data): """ Map the input dimensions to the output volume dimensions Parameters ---------- in_dataset : :class:`` The input dataset to the plugin. """ data._finalise_patterns() self.volX = data.get_data_dimension_by_axis_label("rotation_angle") self.volZ = data.get_data_dimension_by_axis_label("x", contains=True) self.volY = data.get_data_dimension_by_axis_label( "y", contains=True, exists=True) def _get_volume_dimensions(self): return self.volX, self.volY, self.volZ def _get_shape(self, in_dataset): shape = list(in_dataset.get_shape()) volX, volY, volZ = self._get_volume_dimensions() if self.parameters['vol_shape'] in ('auto', 'fixed'): shape[volX] = shape[volZ] else: shape[volX] = self.parameters['vol_shape'] shape[volZ] = self.parameters['vol_shape'] if 'resolution' in self.parameters.keys(): shape[volX] = int(shape[volX] // self.parameters['resolution']) shape[volZ] = int(shape[volZ] // self.parameters['resolution']) return tuple(shape)
[docs] def get_max_frames(self): """ Number of data frames to pass to each instance of process_frames func Returns ------- str or int "single", "multiple" or integer (only to be used if the number of frames MUST be fixed.) """ if self._max_frames: frames_max = self._max_frames else: frames_max = 'multiple' return frames_max return 'multiple'
[docs] def get_slice_axis(self): """ Fix the fastest changing slice dimension Returns ------- str or None str should be the axis_label corresponding to the fastest changing dimension """ return None
[docs] def nInput_datasets(self): nIn = 1 if 'init_vol' in self.parameters.keys() and \ self.parameters['init_vol']: if len(self.parameters['init_vol'].split('.')) == 3: name, temp, self.rep_dim = self.parameters['init_vol'] self.parameters['init_vol'] = name nIn += 1 self.parameters['in_datasets'].append(self.parameters['init_vol']) if isinstance(self.parameters['centre_of_rotation'], str): self.parameters['in_datasets'].append( self.parameters['centre_of_rotation']) nIn += 1 return nIn
[docs] def nOutput_datasets(self): return self.nOut
[docs] def reconstruct_pre_process(self): """ Should be overridden to perform pre-processing in a child class """ pass
[docs] def executive_summary(self): summary = [] if not self.preview_flag: summary.append(("WARNING: Ignoring preview parameters as a preview" " has already been applied to the data.")) if len(summary) > 0: return summary return ["Nothing to Report"]
[docs] def get_gpu_memory(self): command = "nvidia-smi --format=csv" memory_free_info = sp.check_output(command.split()).decode('ascii').split('\n')[:-1][1:] memory_free_values = [int(x.split()[0]) for i, x in enumerate(memory_free_info)] return memory_free_values
def _handle_case_1(self, in_text): final_idx = eval(in_text) return final_idx def _handle_case_2(self, in_text): pos1 = [idx - 2 for idx, char in enumerate(in_text) if char == "."] pos2 = [idx for idx, char in enumerate(in_text) if char == ")"] list_idx1 = [] for i, pos in enumerate(pos1): cmd = in_text[pos:pos2[i] + 1] list_idx1.extend(eval(cmd)) for i, pos in enumerate(pos1): tmp = "-1" for j in range(2, 1 + pos2[i] - pos): tmp = tmp + " " in_text = in_text.replace(in_text[pos:pos2[i] + 1], tmp) text = in_text.replace("[", "") text = text.replace("]", "") out_text = text.split(",") list_idx = [int(x) for x in out_text] list_idx = np.asarray(list_idx) list_idx = list_idx[list_idx != -1] final_idx = np.sort(np.concatenate((np.asarray(list_idx1), list_idx))) return np.unique(np.int16(final_idx)) def _handle_case_3(self, in_text): text = in_text.replace("[", "") text = text.replace("]", "") out_text = text.split(",") final_idx = [] for x in out_text: try: num = int(x) final_idx.append(num) except ValueError: pass if final_idx: final_idx = np.unique(np.sort(final_idx)) else: final_idx = None return final_idx
[docs] def get_skipping_indices(self, in_text): if isinstance(in_text, str): if "np." in in_text: final_idx = self._handle_case_1(in_text) if not isinstance(final_idx, np.ndarray): final_idx = self._handle_case_2(in_text) else: final_idx = np.unique(np.sort(np.ndarray.flatten(final_idx))) else: final_idx = self._handle_case_3(in_text) if not isinstance(final_idx, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("Incorrect syntax!!!") elif isinstance(in_text, list): final_idx = np.unique(np.sort(np.asarray(in_text))) else: final_idx = None return final_idx