Source code for plugins.plugin

# Copyright 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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.. module:: plugin
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Base class for all plugins used by Savu

.. moduleauthor:: Mark Basham <>


import copy
import logging
import numpy as np

import savu.plugins.utils as pu
from savu.plugins.plugin_datasets import PluginDatasets
from import Statistics

[docs]class Plugin(PluginDatasets): def __init__(self, name="Plugin"): super(Plugin, self).__init__(name) = name self.chunk = False self.slice_list = None self.global_index = None self.pcount = 0 self.exp = None self.check = False self.fixed_length = True self.parameters = {} = self._set_plugin_tools()
[docs] def set_parameters(self, params): self.parameters = params
[docs] def initialise(self, params, exp, check=False): self.check = check self.exp = exp self.get_plugin_tools().initialise(params) self._main_setup()
def _main_setup(self): """ Performs all the required plugin setup. It sets the experiment, then the parameters and replaces the in/out_dataset strings in ``self.parameters`` with the relevant data objects. It then creates PluginData objects for each of these datasets. """ self._set_plugin_datasets() self._reset_process_frames_counter() self.stats_obj = Statistics() self.stats_obj.set_stats_key(["max", "min", "mean", "mean_std_dev", "median_std_dev", "NRMSD", "zeros"]) self.setup() self.stats_obj.setup(self) self.set_filter_padding(*(self.get_plugin_datasets())) self._finalise_plugin_datasets() self._finalise_datasets() def _reset_process_frames_counter(self): self.pcount = 0
[docs] def get_process_frames_counter(self): return self.pcount
[docs] def set_filter_padding(self, in_data, out_data): """ Should be overridden to define how wide the frame should be for each input data set """ return {}
[docs] def setup(self): """ This method is first to be called after the plugin has been created. It determines input/output datasets and plugin specific dataset information such as the pattern (e.g. sinogram/projection). """ logging.error("set_up needs to be implemented") raise NotImplementedError("setup needs to be implemented")
[docs] def get_plugin_tools(self): return
def _set_plugin_tools(self): plugin_tools_id = self.__class__.__module__ + '_tools' tool_class = pu.get_tools_class(plugin_tools_id, self) return tool_class
[docs] def delete_parameter_entry(self, param): if param in list(self.parameters.keys()): del self.parameters[param]
[docs] def get_parameters(self, name): """ Return a plugin parameter :params str name: parameter name (dictionary key) :returns: the associated value in ``self.parameters`` :rtype: dict value """ return self.parameters[name]
[docs] def base_pre_process(self): """ This method is called after the plugin has been created by the pipeline framework as a pre-processing step. """ pass
[docs] def pre_process(self): """ This method is called immediately after base_pre_process(). """ pass
[docs] def base_process_frames_before(self, data): """ This method is called before each call to process frames """ return data
[docs] def base_process_frames_after(self, data): """ This method is called directly after each call to process frames \ and before returning the data to file.""" return data
[docs] def plugin_process_frames(self, data): data_copy = data.copy() frames = self.base_process_frames_after(self.process_frames( self.base_process_frames_before(data))) if self.stats_obj.calc_stats and self.stats_obj._stats_flag: self.stats_obj.set_slice_stats(frames, data_copy) self.pcount += 1 return frames
[docs] def process_frames(self, data): """ This method is called after the plugin has been created by the pipeline framework and forms the main processing step :param data: A list of numpy arrays for each input dataset. :type data: list(np.array) """ logging.error("process frames needs to be implemented") raise NotImplementedError("process needs to be implemented")
[docs] def post_process(self): """ This method is called after the process function in the pipeline framework as a post-processing step. All processes will have finished performing the main processing at this stage. :param exp: An experiment object, holding input and output datasets :type exp: experiment class instance """ pass
[docs] def base_post_process(self): """ This method is called immediately after post_process(). """ if self.stats_obj.calc_stats and self.stats_obj._stats_flag: if not self.stats_obj._already_called: self.stats_obj.set_volume_stats() self.stats_obj._already_called = False pass
[docs] def set_preview(self, data, params): if not params: return True preview = data.get_preview() orig_indices = preview.get_starts_stops_steps() nDims = len(orig_indices[0]) no_preview = [[0]*nDims, data.get_shape(), [1]*nDims, [1]*nDims] # Set previewing params if previewing has not already been applied to # the dataset. if no_preview == orig_indices: data.get_preview().revert_shape = data.get_shape() data.get_preview().set_preview(params) return True return False
def _clean_up(self): """ Perform necessary plugin clean up after the plugin has completed. """ self._clone_datasets() self.__copy_meta_data() self.__set_previous_patterns() self.__clean_up_plugin_data() def __copy_meta_data(self): """ Copy all metadata from input datasets to output datasets, except axis data and statistics that is no longer valid. """ remove_keys = self.__remove_axis_data() for i in range(len(remove_keys)): remove_keys[i].add("stats") in_meta_data, out_meta_data = self.get() copy_dict = {} for mData in in_meta_data: temp = copy.deepcopy(mData.get_dictionary()) copy_dict.update(temp) for i in range(len(out_meta_data)): temp = copy_dict.copy() for key in remove_keys[i]: if temp.get(key, None) is not None: del temp[key] temp.update(out_meta_data[i].get_dictionary()) out_meta_data[i]._set_dictionary(temp) def __set_previous_patterns(self): for data in self.get_out_datasets(): data._set_previous_pattern( copy.deepcopy(data._get_plugin_data().get_pattern())) def __remove_axis_data(self): """ Returns a list of meta_data entries corresponding to axis labels that are not copied over to the output datasets """ in_datasets, out_datasets = self.get_datasets() all_in_labels = [] for data in in_datasets: axis_keys = data.get_axis_label_keys() all_in_labels = all_in_labels + axis_keys remove_keys = [] for data in out_datasets: axis_keys = data.get_axis_label_keys() remove_keys.append(set(all_in_labels).difference(set(axis_keys))) return remove_keys def __clean_up_plugin_data(self): """ Remove pluginData object encapsulated in a dataset after plugin completion. """ in_data, out_data = self.get_datasets() data_object_list = in_data + out_data for data in data_object_list: data._clear_plugin_data() def _revert_preview(self, in_data): """ Revert dataset back to original shape if previewing was used in a plugin to reduce the data shape but the original data shape should be used thereafter. Remove previewing if it was added in the plugin. """ for data in in_data: if data.get_preview().revert_shape: data.get_preview()._unset_preview()
[docs] def set_global_frame_index(self, frame_idx): self.global_index = frame_idx
[docs] def get_global_frame_index(self): """ Get the global frame index. """ return self.global_index
[docs] def set_current_slice_list(self, sl): self.slice_list = sl
[docs] def get_current_slice_list(self): """ Get the slice list of the current frame being processed. """ return self.slice_list
[docs] def get_slice_dir_reps(self, nData): """ Return the periodicity of the main slice direction. :params int nData: The number of the dataset in the list. """ slice_dir = \ self.get_plugin_in_datasets()[nData].get_slice_directions()[0] sl = [sl[slice_dir] for sl in self.slice_list] reps = [i for i in range(len(sl)) if sl[i] == sl[0]] return np.diff(reps)[0] if len(reps) > 1 else 1
[docs] def nInput_datasets(self): """ The number of datasets required as input to the plugin :returns: Number of input datasets """ return 1
[docs] def nOutput_datasets(self): """ The number of datasets created by the plugin :returns: Number of output datasets """ return 1
[docs] def nClone_datasets(self): """ The number of output datasets that have an clone - i.e. they take\ it in turns to be used as output in an iterative plugin. """ return 0
[docs] def nFrames(self): """ The number of frames to process during each call to process_frames. """ return 'single'
[docs] def final_parameter_updates(self): """ An opportunity to update the parameters after they have been set. """ pass
[docs] def executive_summary(self): """ Provide a summary to the user for the result of the plugin. e.g. - Warning, the sample may have shifted during data collection - Filter operated normally :returns: A list of string summaries """ return ["Nothing to Report"]