Source code for plugins.loaders.mapping_loaders.base_multi_modal_loader

# Copyright 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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.. module:: base_multi_modal_loader
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Contains a base class from which all multi-modal loaders are \
.. moduleauthor:: Nicola Wadeson <>

import h5py
import logging

from savu.plugins.loaders.base_loader import BaseLoader

[docs]class BaseMultiModalLoader(BaseLoader): """ This class provides a base for all multi-modal loaders """ def __init__(self, name='BaseMultiModalLoader'): super(BaseMultiModalLoader, self).__init__(name) self._mtype = None
[docs] def multi_modal_setup(self, ltype, data_str, name, patterns=True): data_obj = self._get_file_handle(name, ltype) NXdef = 'NXstxm' if ltype == 'NXmonitor' else ltype entry = self.get_NXapp(NXdef, data_obj.backing_file, 'entry1/')[0] path = ('/').join([, data_str]) = data_obj.backing_file[path] data_obj.set_shape( self._check_for_monitor_data(data_obj, entry) self.set_motors(data_obj, entry, 'fluo') if patterns: self.add_patterns_based_on_acquisition(data_obj, 'fluo') return data_obj, entry
def _get_file_handle(self, name, ltype): exp = self.exp data_obj = exp.create_data_object("in_data", name) data_obj.backing_file = h5py.File(exp.meta_data.get("data_file"), 'r') logging.debug("Creating file '%s' '%s'_entry", data_obj.backing_file.filename, ltype) return data_obj def _check_for_monitor_data(self, data_obj, entry): if + '/monitor/data' in data_obj.backing_file: control = data_obj.backing_file[ + '/monitor/data'] self.exp.meta_data.set('control', control) logging.debug('adding the ion chamber to the meta data') else: logging.warning('No ion chamber information. Leaving this blank')
[docs] def set_motors(self, data_obj, entry, ltype): labels = [e.decode("ascii") for e in entry['data'].attrs['axes']] motors = [entry['data/' + e] for e in labels] units = self._get_attrs(motors, 'units', 'unit') self._mtype = self._get_attrs(motors, 'transformation_type', 'None') self._set_axis_labels(data_obj, motors, labels, units)
def _get_attrs(self, entries, key, default): return [e.attrs[key].decode("ascii") if key in list(e.attrs.keys()) else default for e in entries] def _set_axis_labels(self, dObj, motors, labels, units): trans = self.get_motor_dims('translation') rot_dim = self._mtype.index('rotation') angles = motors[rot_dim][()] labels[rot_dim] = 'rotation_angle' self._set_meta_data(dObj, 'rotation_angle', angles) if trans: self._set_meta_data(dObj, 'x', motors[trans[-1]][()]) labels[trans[-1]] = 'x' if len(trans) > 1: self._set_meta_data(dObj, 'y', motors[trans[-2]][()]) labels[trans[-2]] = 'y' labels = [labels[i] + '.' + units[i] for i in range(len(labels))] dObj.set_axis_labels(*tuple(labels)) def _set_meta_data(self, dObj, key, value): value = value[:, 0] if value.ndim > 1 else value dObj.meta_data.set(key, value)
[docs] def get_motor_dims(self, key): return [i for i in range(len(self._mtype)) if self._mtype[i] == key]
[docs] def add_patterns_based_on_acquisition(self, data_obj, ltype): dims = list(range(len(self._mtype))) proj_dims = tuple(self.get_motor_dims('translation')) if proj_dims: data_obj.add_pattern("PROJECTION", core_dims=proj_dims, slice_dims=tuple(set(dims) - set(proj_dims))) rot_dim = tuple(self.get_motor_dims('rotation')) if rot_dim: sino_dir = rot_dim + (proj_dims[-1],) if proj_dims else rot_dim sino_slice_dir = tuple(set(dims) - set(sino_dir)) data_obj.add_pattern("SINOGRAM", core_dims=sino_dir, slice_dims=sino_slice_dir)