Source code for plugins.loaders.base_tomophantom_loader

# Copyright 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

.. module:: base_tomophantom_loader
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: A loader that generates synthetic 3D projection full-field tomo data\
        as hdf5 dataset of any size.

.. moduleauthor:: Daniil Kazantsev <>

import os
import h5py
import logging
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI

from import Chunking
from savu.plugins.utils import register_plugin
from savu.plugins.loaders.base_loader import BaseLoader
from savu.plugins.savers.utils.hdf5_utils import Hdf5Utils
from import Statistics

import tomophantom
from tomophantom import TomoP2D, TomoP3D

[docs]@register_plugin class BaseTomophantomLoader(BaseLoader): def __init__(self, name='BaseTomophantomLoader'): super(BaseTomophantomLoader, self).__init__(name) self.cor = None self.n_entries = None
[docs] def setup(self): exp = self.exp exp.meta_data.set("synthetic", True) data_obj = exp.create_data_object('in_data', 'synth_proj_data') self.proj_stats_obj = Statistics() self.proj_stats_obj.start_time() self.proj_stats_obj.setup(self, pattern="PROJECTION") self.proj_stats_obj.p_num = 1 self.phantom_stats_obj = Statistics() self.phantom_stats_obj.setup(self, pattern="VOLUME_XY") self.phantom_stats_obj.p_num = 0 self.proj_stats_obj.plugin_names[1] = "TomoPhantomLoader" # This object belongs to the whole statistics class self.proj_stats_obj.plugin_numbers["TomoPhantomLoader"] = 1 # This object belongs to the whole statistics class data_obj.set_axis_labels(*self.parameters['axis_labels']) self.__convert_patterns(data_obj,'synth_proj_data') self.__parameter_checks(data_obj) self.tomo_model = self.parameters['tomo_model'] # setting angles for parallel beam geometry self.angles = np.linspace(0.0, 180.0-(1e-14), self.parameters['proj_data_dims'][0], dtype='float32') path = os.path.dirname(tomophantom.__file__) self.path_library3D = os.path.join(path, "Phantom3DLibrary.dat") data_obj.backing_file = self.__get_backing_file(data_obj, 'synth_proj_data') = data_obj.backing_file['/']['entry1']['tomo_entry']['data']['data'] # create a phantom file data_obj2 = exp.create_data_object('in_data', 'phantom') data_obj2.set_axis_labels(*['voxel_x.voxel', 'voxel_y.voxel', 'voxel_z.voxel']) self.__convert_patterns(data_obj2, 'phantom') self.__parameter_checks(data_obj2) data_obj2.backing_file = self.__get_backing_file(data_obj2, 'phantom') = data_obj2.backing_file['/']['phantom']['data'] data_obj.set_shape( group_name = '1-TomoPhantomLoader-phantom' self.n_entries = data_obj.get_shape()[0] cor_val = 0.5*(self.parameters['proj_data_dims'][2]) self.cor = np.linspace(cor_val, cor_val, self.parameters['proj_data_dims'][1], dtype='float32') self.proj_stats_obj.volume_stats = self.proj_stats_obj.calc_volume_stats(self.proj_stats_obj.stats) # Calculating volume-wide stats for projection Statistics.global_stats[1] = [self.proj_stats_obj.volume_stats] self.proj_stats_obj._write_stats_to_file(p_num=1, plugin_name="TomoPhantomLoader (synthetic projection)") # writing these to file (stats/stats.h5) self.phantom_stats_obj.volume_stats = self.phantom_stats_obj.calc_volume_stats(self.phantom_stats_obj.stats) # calculating volume-wide stats for phantom Statistics.global_stats[0] = [self.phantom_stats_obj.volume_stats] self.phantom_stats_obj._write_stats_to_file(p_num=0, plugin_name="TomoPhantomLoader (phantom)") # writing these to file (stats/stats.h5) self._set_metadata(data_obj, self._get_n_entries()) data_obj.data_info.set("synthetic", True) data_obj2.data_info.set("synthetic", True) data_obj.meta_data.set("synthetic", True) data_obj2.meta_data.set("synthetic", True) return data_obj, data_obj2
def __get_backing_file(self, data_obj, file_name): fname = '%s/%s.h5' % \ (self.exp.get('out_path'), file_name) if os.path.exists(fname): return h5py.File(fname, 'r') self.hdf5 = Hdf5Utils(self.exp) dims_temp = self.parameters['proj_data_dims'].copy() proj_data_dims = tuple(dims_temp) if file_name == 'phantom': dims_temp[0] = dims_temp[1] dims_temp[2] = dims_temp[1] proj_data_dims = tuple(dims_temp) patterns = data_obj.get_data_patterns() p_name = list(patterns.keys())[0] p_dict = patterns[p_name] p_dict['max_frames_transfer'] = 1 nnext = {p_name: p_dict} pattern_idx = {'current': nnext, 'next': nnext} chunking = Chunking(self.exp, pattern_idx) chunks = chunking._calculate_chunking(proj_data_dims, np.int16) h5file = self.hdf5._open_backing_h5(fname, 'w') if file_name == 'phantom': group = h5file.create_group('/phantom', track_order=None) else: group = h5file.create_group('/entry1/tomo_entry/data', track_order=None) data_obj.dtype = np.dtype('<f4') dset = self.hdf5.create_dataset_nofill(group, "data", proj_data_dims, data_obj.dtype, chunks=chunks) self.exp._barrier() slice_dirs = list(nnext.values())[0]['slice_dims'] nDims = len(dset.shape) total_frames =[dset.shape[i] for i in slice_dirs]) sub_size = \ [1 if i in slice_dirs else dset.shape[i] for i in range(nDims)] # need an mpi barrier after creating the file before populating it idx = 0 sl, total_frames = \ self.__get_start_slice_list(slice_dirs, dset.shape, total_frames) # calculate the first slice for i in range(total_frames): if sl[slice_dirs[idx]].stop == dset.shape[slice_dirs[idx]]: idx += 1 if idx == len(slice_dirs): break tmp = sl[slice_dirs[idx]] if (file_name == 'synth_proj_data'): #generate projection data gen_data = TomoP3D.ModelSinoSub(self.tomo_model, proj_data_dims[1], proj_data_dims[2], proj_data_dims[1], (tmp.start, tmp.start + 1), -self.angles, self.path_library3D) self.proj_stats_obj.set_slice_stats(gen_data, pad=None) # getting slice stats for projection else: #generate phantom data gen_data = TomoP3D.ModelSub(self.tomo_model, proj_data_dims[1], (tmp.start, tmp.start + 1), self.path_library3D) self.phantom_stats_obj.set_slice_stats(gen_data, pad=None) #getting slice stats for phantom dset[tuple(sl)] = np.swapaxes(gen_data,0,1) sl[slice_dirs[idx]] = slice(tmp.start+1, tmp.stop+1) self.exp._barrier() try: #nxsfile = NXdata(h5file) + ".nxs") h5file.close() except IOError as exc: logging.debug('There was a problem trying to close the file in random_hdf5_loader') return self.hdf5._open_backing_h5(fname, 'r') def __get_start_slice_list(self, slice_dirs, shape, n_frames): n_processes = len(self.exp.get('processes')) rank = self.exp.get('process') frames = np.array_split(np.arange(n_frames), n_processes)[rank] f_range = list(range(0, frames[0])) if len(frames) else [] sl = [slice(0, 1) if i in slice_dirs else slice(None) for i in range(len(shape))] idx = 0 for i in f_range: if sl[slice_dirs[idx]] == shape[slice_dirs[idx]]-1: idx += 1 tmp = sl[slice_dirs[idx]] sl[slice_dirs[idx]] = slice(tmp.start+1, tmp.stop+1) return sl, len(frames) def __convert_patterns(self, data_obj, object_type): if object_type == 'synth_proj_data': pattern_list = self.parameters['patterns'] else: pattern_list = self.parameters['patterns_tomo2'] for p in pattern_list: p_split = p.split('.') name = p_split[0] dims = p_split[1:] core_dims = tuple([int(i[0]) for i in [d.split('c') for d in dims] if len(i) == 2]) slice_dims = tuple([int(i[0]) for i in [d.split('s') for d in dims] if len(i) == 2]) data_obj.add_pattern( name, core_dims=core_dims, slice_dims=slice_dims) def _set_metadata(self, data_obj, n_entries): n_angles = len(self.angles) data_angles = n_entries if data_angles != n_angles: raise Exception("The number of angles %s does not match the data " "dimension length %s", n_angles, data_angles) data_obj.meta_data.set(['rotation_angle'], self.angles) data_obj.meta_data.set(['centre_of_rotation'], self.cor) def __parameter_checks(self, data_obj): if not self.parameters['proj_data_dims']: raise Exception( 'Please specifiy the dimensions of the dataset to create.') def _get_n_entries(self): return self.n_entries
[docs] def post_process(self, data_obj, data_obj2): filename = self.exp.meta_data.get('nxs_filename') fsplit = filename.split('/') n_plugins = len(self.exp.meta_data.plugin_list.plugin_list) if n_plugins == 1: fsplit[-1] = 'synthetic_data.nxs' else: fsplit[-1] = 'synthetic_data_processed.nxs' filename = '/'.join(fsplit) self.exp.meta_data.set('nxs_filename', filename) self._link_nexus_file(data_obj2, 'phantom') self._link_nexus_file(data_obj, 'synth_proj_data')
[docs] def get_communicator(self): return MPI.COMM_WORLD
def _link_nexus_file(self, data_obj, name): """Link phantom + synthetic projection data h5 files to a single nexus file containing both.""" if name == 'phantom': data_obj.exp.meta_data.set(['group_name', 'phantom'], 'phantom') data_obj.exp.meta_data.set(['link_type', 'phantom'], 'final_result') stats_dict = self.phantom_stats_obj.volume_stats for key, value in stats_dict.items(): data_obj.meta_data.set(["stats", key], value) elif name == "synth_proj_data": data_obj.exp.meta_data.set(['group_name', 'synth_proj_data'], 'entry1/tomo_entry/data') data_obj.exp.meta_data.set(['link_type', 'synth_proj_data'], 'entry1') stats_dict = self.proj_stats_obj.get_stats() for key, value in stats_dict.items(): data_obj.meta_data.set(["stats", key], value) self._populate_nexus_file(data_obj) self._link_datafile_to_nexus_file(data_obj) def _populate_nexus_file(self, data): """""" filename = self.exp.meta_data.get('nxs_filename') name = data.data_info.get('name') with h5py.File(filename, 'a', driver="mpio", comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD) as nxs_file: group_name = self.exp.meta_data.get(['group_name', name]) link_type = self.exp.meta_data.get(['link_type', name]) if name == 'phantom': if 'entry' not in list(nxs_file.keys()): nxs_entry = nxs_file.create_group('entry') else: nxs_entry = nxs_file['entry'] if link_type == 'final_result': group_name = 'final_result_' + data.get_name() else: link = nxs_entry.require_group(link_type.encode("ascii")) link.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXcollection' nxs_entry = link # delete the group if it already exists if group_name in nxs_entry: del nxs_entry[group_name] plugin_entry = nxs_entry.require_group(group_name) else: plugin_entry = nxs_file.create_group(f'/{group_name}') self.__output_data_patterns(data, plugin_entry) self._output_metadata_dict(plugin_entry, data.meta_data.get_dictionary()) self.__output_axis_labels(data, plugin_entry) plugin_entry.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXdata' def __output_axis_labels(self, data, entry): axis_labels = data.data_info.get("axis_labels") ddict = data.meta_data.get_dictionary() axes = [] count = 0 dims_temp = self.parameters['proj_data_dims'].copy() if data.data_info.get('name') == 'phantom': dims_temp[0] = dims_temp[1] dims_temp[2] = dims_temp[1] dims = tuple(dims_temp) for labels in axis_labels: name = list(labels.keys())[0] axes.append(name) entry.attrs[name + '_indices'] = count mData = ddict[name] if name in list(ddict.keys()) \ else np.arange(dims[count]) if isinstance(mData, list): mData = np.array(mData) if 'U' in str(mData.dtype): mData = mData.astype(np.string_) if name not in list(entry.keys()): axis_entry = entry.require_dataset(name, mData.shape, mData.dtype) axis_entry[...] = mData[...] axis_entry.attrs['units'] = list(labels.values())[0] count += 1 entry.attrs['axes'] = axes def __output_data_patterns(self, data, entry): data_patterns = data.data_info.get("data_patterns") entry = entry.require_group('patterns') entry.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXcollection' for pattern in data_patterns: nx_data = entry.require_group(pattern) nx_data.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXparameters' values = data_patterns[pattern] self.__output_data(nx_data, values['core_dims'], 'core_dims') self.__output_data(nx_data, values['slice_dims'], 'slice_dims') def _output_metadata_dict(self, entry, mData): entry.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXcollection' for key, value in mData.items(): if key != 'rotation_angle': nx_data = entry.require_group(key) if isinstance(value, dict): self._output_metadata_dict(nx_data, value) else: nx_data.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXdata' self.__output_data(nx_data, value, key) def __output_data(self, entry, data, name): if isinstance(data, dict): entry = entry.require_group(name) entry.attrs['NX_class'] = 'NXcollection' for key, value in data.items(): self.__output_data(entry, value, key) else: try: self.__create_dataset(entry, name, data) except Exception: try: import json data = np.array([json.dumps(data).encode("ascii")]) self.__create_dataset(entry, name, data) except Exception: try: self.__create_dataset(entry, name, data) except: raise Exception('Unable to output %s to file.' % name) def __create_dataset(self, entry, name, data): if name not in list(entry.keys()): entry.create_dataset(name, data=data) else: entry[name][...] = data def _link_datafile_to_nexus_file(self, data): filename = self.exp.meta_data.get('nxs_filename') with h5py.File(filename, 'a', driver="mpio", comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD) as nxs_file: # entry path in nexus file name = data.get_name() group_name = self.exp.meta_data.get(['group_name', name]) link = self.exp.meta_data.get(['link_type', name]) name = data.get_name(orig=True) nxs_entry = self.__add_nxs_entry(nxs_file, link, group_name, name) self.__add_nxs_data(nxs_file, nxs_entry, link, group_name, data) def __add_nxs_entry(self, nxs_file, link, group_name, name): if name == 'phantom': nxs_entry = '/entry/' + link else: nxs_entry = '' nxs_entry += '_' + name if link == 'final_result' else "/" + group_name nxs_entry = nxs_file[nxs_entry] nxs_entry.attrs['signal'] = 'data' return nxs_entry def __add_nxs_data(self, nxs_file, nxs_entry, link, group_name, data): data_entry = + '/data' # output file path h5file = data.backing_file.filename if link == 'input_data': dataset = self.__is_h5dataset(data) if dataset: nxs_file[data_entry] = \ h5py.ExternalLink(os.path.abspath(h5file), else: # entry path in output file path m_data = self.exp.meta_data.get if not (link == 'intermediate' and m_data('inter_path') != m_data('out_path')): h5file = h5file.split(m_data('out_folder') + '/')[-1] nxs_file[data_entry] = \ h5py.ExternalLink(h5file, group_name + '/data')