Source code for plugins.corrections.time_based_correction

# Copyright 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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.. module:: time_based_correction
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: A time-based dark and flat field correction using linear\

.. moduleauthor:: Nicola Wadeson <>


import numpy as np
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')

from savu.plugins.driver.cpu_plugin import CpuPlugin
from savu.plugins.corrections.base_correction import BaseCorrection
from savu.plugins.utils import register_plugin

[docs]@register_plugin class TimeBasedCorrection(BaseCorrection, CpuPlugin): def __init__(self, name="TimeBasedCorrection"): super(TimeBasedCorrection, self).__init__(name)
[docs] def pre_process(self): self.count = 0 inData = self.get_in_datasets()[0] pData = self.get_plugin_in_datasets()[0] self.mfp = inData._get_plugin_data()._get_max_frames_process() self.proj_dim = \ inData.get_data_dimension_by_axis_label('rotation_angle') self.slice_dir = pData.get_slice_dimension() nDims = len(pData.get_shape()) self.sslice = [slice(None)]*nDims self.image_key = changes = np.where(np.diff(self.image_key) != 0)[0] + 1 self.split_key = np.split(self.image_key, changes) self.split_idx = np.split(np.arange(len(self.image_key)), changes) self.data_key = self.dark, self.dark_idx = self.calc_average(, 2) self.flat, self.flat_idx = self.calc_average(, 1) inData.meta_data.set('multiple_dark', self.dark) inData.meta_data.set('multiple_flat', self.flat)
[docs] def calc_average(self, data, key): im_key = np.where(self.image_key == key)[0] splits = np.where(np.diff(im_key) > 1)[0]+1 local_idx = np.split(np.arange(len(im_key)), splits) mean_data = [np.mean(data[np.array(local_idx[i])], axis=0) for i in range(len(local_idx))] list_idx = list(np.where([key in i for i in self.split_key])[0]) return mean_data, list_idx
[docs] def process_frames(self, data): proj = data[0] frame = self.get_global_frame_index()[self.count] flat = self.calculate_flat_field(frame, proj, *self.find_nearest_frames(self.flat_idx, frame)) dark = self.calculate_dark_field(frame, proj, *self.find_nearest_frames(self.dark_idx, frame)) if self.parameters['in_range']: proj = self.in_range(proj, flat) self.count += 1 return np.nan_to_num((proj-dark)/(flat-dark))
[docs] def in_range(self, data, flat): data[data > flat] = flat[data > flat] return data
[docs] def find_nearest_frames(self, idx_list, value): """ Find the index of the two entries that 'value' lies between in \ 'idx_list' and calculate the distance between each of them. """ global_val = self.data_key[value] # find which list (index) global_val belongs to list_idx = [global_val in i for i in self.split_idx].index(True) val_list = self.split_idx[list_idx] # find length of list length_list = len(val_list) # find position of global_val in list and distance from each end pos = np.where(val_list == global_val)[0][0] dist = [(length_list-pos)/float(length_list), pos/float(length_list)] # find closest before and after idx_list entries new_list = list(np.sort(np.append(idx_list, list_idx))) new_idx = new_list.index(list_idx) entry1 = new_idx-1 if new_idx != 0 else new_idx+1 entry2 = new_idx+1 if new_idx != len(new_list)-1 else new_idx-1 before = idx_list.index(new_list[entry1]) after = idx_list.index(new_list[entry2]) return [before, after], dist
[docs] def calculate_flat_field(self, frame, data, frames, distance): return self.flat[frames[0]]*distance[0] + \ self.flat[frames[1]]*distance[1]
[docs] def calculate_dark_field(self, frame, data, frames, distance): return self.dark[frames[0]]*distance[0] + \ self.dark[frames[1]]*distance[1]
[docs] def get_max_frames(self): return 'single'