Source code for plugins.centering.centering360

# Copyright 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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.. module:: centering360
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: A plugin to find the center of rotation per frame
.. moduleauthor:: Nghia Vo, <>
from savu.plugins.driver.cpu_plugin import CpuPlugin
from savu.plugins.utils import register_plugin
from savu.plugins.filters.base_filter import BaseFilter
import savu.core.utils as cu

import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from scipy import stats

[docs]@register_plugin class Centering360(BaseFilter, CpuPlugin): def __init__(self): super(Centering360, self).__init__("Centering360")
[docs] def find_overlap(self, mat1, mat2, win_width, side=None, denoise=True, norm=False, use_overlap=False): """ Find the overlap area and overlap side between two images (Ref. [1]) where the overlap side referring to the first image. Parameters ---------- mat1 : array_like 2D array. Projection image or sinogram image. mat2 : array_like 2D array. Projection image or sinogram image. win_width : int Width of the searching window. side : {None, 0, 1}, optional Only there options: None, 0, or 1. "None" corresponding to fully automated determination. "0" corresponding to the left side. "1" corresponding to the right side. denoise : bool, optional Apply the Gaussian filter if True. norm : bool, optional Apply the normalization if True. use_overlap : bool, optional Use the combination of images in the overlap area for calculating correlation coefficients if True. Returns ------- overlap : float Width of the overlap area between two images. side : int Overlap side between two images. overlap_position : float Position of the window in the first image giving the best correlation metric. References ---------- .. [1] """ (_, ncol1) = mat1.shape (_, ncol2) = mat2.shape win_width = np.int16(np.clip(win_width, 6, min(ncol1, ncol2) // 2)) if side == 1: (list_metric, offset) = self.search_overlap(mat1, mat2, win_width, side, denoise, norm, use_overlap) (_, overlap_position) = self.calculate_curvature(list_metric) overlap_position = overlap_position + offset overlap = ncol1 - overlap_position + win_width // 2 elif side == 0: (list_metric, offset) = self.search_overlap(mat1, mat2, win_width, side, denoise, norm, use_overlap) (_, overlap_position) = self.calculate_curvature(list_metric) overlap_position = overlap_position + offset overlap = overlap_position + win_width // 2 else: (list_metric1, offset1) = self.search_overlap(mat1, mat2, win_width, 1, norm, denoise, use_overlap) (list_metric2, offset2) = self.search_overlap(mat1, mat2, win_width, 0, norm, denoise, use_overlap) (curvature1, overlap_position1) = self.calculate_curvature(list_metric1) overlap_position1 = overlap_position1 + offset1 (curvature2, overlap_position2) = self.calculate_curvature(list_metric2) overlap_position2 = overlap_position2 + offset2 if curvature1 > curvature2: side = 1 overlap_position = overlap_position1 overlap = ncol1 - overlap_position + win_width // 2 else: side = 0 overlap_position = overlap_position2 overlap = overlap_position + win_width // 2 return overlap, side, overlap_position
[docs] def search_overlap(self, mat1, mat2, win_width, side, denoise=True, norm=False, use_overlap=False): """ Calculate the correlation metrics between a rectangular region, defined by the window width, on the utmost left/right side of image 2 and the same size region in image 1 where the region is slided across image 1. Parameters ---------- mat1 : array_like 2D array. Projection image or sinogram image. mat2 : array_like 2D array. Projection image or sinogram image. win_width : int Width of the searching window. side : {0, 1} Only two options: 0 or 1. It is used to indicate the overlap side respects to image 1. "0" corresponds to the left side. "1" corresponds to the right side. denoise : bool, optional Apply the Gaussian filter if True. norm : bool, optional Apply the normalization if True. use_overlap : bool, optional Use the combination of images in the overlap area for calculating correlation coefficients if True. Returns ------- list_metric : array_like 1D array. List of the correlation metrics. offset : int Initial position of the searching window where the position corresponds to the center of the window. """ if denoise is True: mat1 = ndi.gaussian_filter(mat1, (2, 2), mode='reflect') mat2 = ndi.gaussian_filter(mat2, (2, 2), mode='reflect') (nrow1, ncol1) = mat1.shape (nrow2, ncol2) = mat2.shape if nrow1 != nrow2: raise ValueError("Two images are not at the same height!!!") win_width = np.int16(np.clip(win_width, 6, min(ncol1, ncol2) // 2 - 1)) offset = win_width // 2 win_width = 2 * offset # Make it even ramp_down = np.linspace(1.0, 0.0, win_width) ramp_up = 1.0 - ramp_down wei_down = np.tile(ramp_down, (nrow1, 1)) wei_up = np.tile(ramp_up, (nrow1, 1)) if side == 1: mat2_roi = mat2[:, 0:win_width] mat2_roi_wei = mat2_roi * wei_up else: mat2_roi = mat2[:, ncol2 - win_width:] mat2_roi_wei = mat2_roi * wei_down list_mean2 = np.mean(np.abs(mat2_roi), axis=1) list_pos = np.arange(offset, ncol1 - offset) num_metric = len(list_pos) list_metric = np.ones(num_metric, dtype=np.float32) for i, pos in enumerate(list_pos): mat1_roi = mat1[:, pos - offset:pos + offset] if use_overlap is True: if side == 1: mat1_roi_wei = mat1_roi * wei_down else: mat1_roi_wei = mat1_roi * wei_up if norm is True: list_mean1 = np.mean(np.abs(mat1_roi), axis=1) list_fact = list_mean2 / list_mean1 mat_fact = np.transpose(np.tile(list_fact, (win_width, 1))) mat1_roi = mat1_roi * mat_fact if use_overlap is True: mat1_roi_wei = mat1_roi_wei * mat_fact if use_overlap is True: mat_comb = mat1_roi_wei + mat2_roi_wei list_metric[i] = (self.correlation_metric(mat1_roi, mat2_roi) + self.correlation_metric(mat1_roi, mat_comb) + self.correlation_metric(mat2_roi, mat_comb)) / 3.0 else: list_metric[i] = self.correlation_metric(mat1_roi, mat2_roi) min_metric = np.min(list_metric) if min_metric != 0.0: list_metric = list_metric / min_metric return list_metric, offset
[docs] def correlation_metric(self, mat1, mat2): """ Calculate the correlation metric. Smaller metric corresponds to better correlation. Parameters --------- mat1 : array_like mat2 : array_like Returns ------- float Correlation metric. """ metric = np.abs( 1.0 - stats.pearsonr(mat1.flatten('F'), mat2.flatten('F'))[0]) return metric
[docs] def calculate_curvature(self, list_metric): """ Calculate the curvature of a fitted curve going through the minimum value of a metric list. Parameters ---------- list_metric : array_like 1D array. List of metrics. Returns ------- curvature : float Quadratic coefficient of the parabola fitting. min_pos : float Position of the minimum value with sub-pixel accuracy. """ radi = 2 num_metric = len(list_metric) min_pos = np.clip( np.argmin(list_metric), radi, num_metric - radi - 1) list1 = list_metric[min_pos - radi:min_pos + radi + 1] (afact1, _, _) = np.polyfit(np.arange(0, 2 * radi + 1), list1, 2) list2 = list_metric[min_pos - 1:min_pos + 2] (afact2, bfact2, _) = np.polyfit( np.arange(min_pos - 1, min_pos + 2), list2, 2) curvature = np.abs(afact1) if afact2 != 0.0: num = - bfact2 / (2 * afact2) if (num >= min_pos - 1) and (num <= min_pos + 1): min_pos = num return curvature, np.float32(min_pos)
def _downsample(self, image, dsp_fact0, dsp_fact1): """Downsample an image by averaging. Parameters ---------- image : 2D array. dsp_fact0 : downsampling factor along axis 0. dsp_fact1 : downsampling factor along axis 1. Returns --------- image_dsp : Downsampled image. """ (height, width) = image.shape dsp_fact0 = np.clip(np.int16(dsp_fact0), 1, height // 2) dsp_fact1 = np.clip(np.int16(dsp_fact1), 1, width // 2) height_dsp = height // dsp_fact0 width_dsp = width // dsp_fact1 if dsp_fact0 == 1 and dsp_fact1 == 1: image_dsp = image else: image_dsp = image[0:dsp_fact0 * height_dsp, 0:dsp_fact1 * width_dsp] image_dsp = image_dsp.reshape( height_dsp, dsp_fact0, width_dsp, dsp_fact1).mean(-1).mean(1) return image_dsp
[docs] def pre_process(self): self.win_width = np.int16(self.parameters['win_width']) self.side = self.parameters['side'] self.denoise = self.parameters['denoise'] self.norm = self.parameters['norm'] self.use_overlap = self.parameters['use_overlap'] self.broadcast_method = str(self.parameters['broadcast_method']) self.error_msg_1 = "" self.error_msg_2 = "" self.error_msg_3 = "" if not ((self.broadcast_method == 'mean') or (self.broadcast_method == 'median') or (self.broadcast_method == 'linear_fit') or (self.broadcast_method == 'nearest')): self.error_msg_3 = "!!!WARNING!!! Selected broadcasting method" \ " is out of the list. Use the default option:" \ " 'median'" logging.warning(self.error_msg_3) cu.user_message(self.error_msg_3) self.broadcast_method = 'median' in_pData = self.get_plugin_in_datasets()[0] data = self.get_in_datasets()[0] starts, stops, steps = data.get_preview().get_starts_stops_steps()[0:3] start_ind = starts[1] stop_ind = stops[1] step_ind = steps[1] name = data.get_name() pre_start = self.exp.meta_data.get(name + '_preview_starts')[1] pre_stop = self.exp.meta_data.get(name + '_preview_stops')[1] pre_step = self.exp.meta_data.get(name + '_preview_steps')[1] self.origin_prev = np.arange(pre_start, pre_stop, pre_step) self.plugin_prev = self.origin_prev[start_ind:stop_ind:step_ind] num_sino = len(self.plugin_prev) if num_sino > 20: warning_msg = "\n!!!WARNING!!! You selected to calculate the " \ "center-of-rotation using '{}' sinograms.\n" \ "This is computationally expensive. Considering to " \ "adjust the preview parameter to use\na smaller " \ "number of sinograms (< 20).\n".format(num_sino) logging.warning(warning_msg) cu.user_message(warning_msg)
[docs] def process_frames(self, data): """ Find the center-of-rotation (COR) in a 360-degree scan with offset COR use the method presented in Ref. [1]. Parameters ---------- data : array_like 2D array. 360-degree sinogram. Returns ------- cor : float Center-of-rotation. References ---------- .. [1] """ sino = data[0] (nrow, ncol) = sino.shape nrow_180 = nrow // 2 + 1 sino_top = sino[0:nrow_180, :] sino_bot = np.fliplr(sino[-nrow_180:, :]) overlap, side, overlap_position =\ self.find_overlap(sino_top, sino_bot, self.win_width, self.side, self.denoise, self.norm, self.use_overlap) #overlap : Width of the overlap area between two halves # of the sinogram. # side : Overlap side between two halves of the sinogram. # overlap_position : Position of the window in the first # image giving the best correlation metric.""" if side == 0: cor = overlap / 2.0 - 1.0 else: cor = ncol - overlap / 2.0 - 1.0 return [np.array([cor]), np.array([cor])]
[docs] def post_process(self): in_datasets, out_datasets = self.get_datasets() cor_prev = out_datasets[0].data[...] cor_broad = out_datasets[1].data[...] cor_broad[:] = np.median(np.squeeze(cor_prev)) self.cor_for_executive_summary = np.median(cor_broad[:]) if self.broadcast_method == 'mean': cor_broad[:] = np.mean(np.squeeze(cor_prev)) self.cor_for_executive_summary = np.mean(cor_broad[:]) if (self.broadcast_method == 'linear_fit') and (len(cor_prev) > 1): afact, bfact = np.polyfit(self.plugin_prev, cor_prev[:, 0], 1) list_cor = self.origin_prev * afact + bfact cor_broad[:, 0] = list_cor self.cor_for_executive_summary = cor_broad[:] if (self.broadcast_method == 'nearest') and (len(cor_prev) > 1): for i, pos in enumerate(self.origin_prev): minpos = np.argmin(np.abs(pos - self.plugin_prev)) cor_broad[i, 0] = cor_prev[minpos, 0] self.cor_for_executive_summary = cor_broad[:] out_datasets[1].data[:] = cor_broad[:] self.populate_meta_data('cor_preview', np.squeeze(cor_prev)) self.populate_meta_data('centre_of_rotation', out_datasets[1].data[:].squeeze(axis=1))
[docs] def populate_meta_data(self, key, value): datasets = self.parameters['datasets_to_populate'] in_meta_data = self.get_in_meta_data()[0] in_meta_data.set(key, value) for name in datasets: self.exp.index['in_data'][name].meta_data.set(key, value)
[docs] def setup(self): self.exp.log( + " Start calculating center of rotation") # set up the output dataset that is created by the plugin in_dataset, out_dataset = self.get_datasets() in_pData, out_pData = self.get_plugin_datasets() in_pData[0].plugin_data_setup('SINOGRAM', self.get_max_frames()) slice_dirs = list(in_dataset[0].get_slice_dimensions()) self.orig_full_shape = in_dataset[0].get_shape() # reduce the data as per data_subset parameter self.set_preview(in_dataset[0], self.parameters['preview']) total_frames = \ self._calc_total_frames(in_dataset[0].get_preview(), slice_dirs) # copy all required information from in_dataset[0] fullData = in_dataset[0] new_shape = ([slice_dirs]), 1) self.orig_shape = \ ([slice_dirs]), 1) out_dataset[0].create_dataset(shape=new_shape, axis_labels=['x.pixels', 'y.pixels'], remove=True, transport='hdf5') out_dataset[0].add_pattern("METADATA", core_dims=(1,), slice_dims=(0,)) out_dataset[1].create_dataset(shape=self.orig_shape, axis_labels=['x.pixels', 'y.pixels'], remove=True, transport='hdf5') out_dataset[1].add_pattern("METADATA", core_dims=(1,), slice_dims=(0,)) out_pData[0].plugin_data_setup('METADATA', self.get_max_frames()) out_pData[1].plugin_data_setup('METADATA', self.get_max_frames()) out_pData[1].meta_data.set('fix_total_frames', total_frames) self.exp.log( + " End")
def _calc_total_frames(self, preview, slice_dims): starts, stops, steps, _ = preview.get_starts_stops_steps() lengths = [len(np.arange(starts[i], stops[i], steps[i])) for i in range(len(starts))] return[lengths[i] for i in slice_dims])
[docs] def nOutput_datasets(self): return 2
[docs] def get_max_frames(self): return 'single'
[docs] def fix_transport(self): return 'hdf5'
[docs] def executive_summary(self): if ((self.error_msg_1 == "") and (self.error_msg_2 == "")): msg = "Centre of rotation is : %s" % ( str(self.cor_for_executive_summary)) else: msg = "\n" + self.error_msg_1 + "\n" + self.error_msg_2 msg2 = "(Not well) estimated centre of rotation is : %s" % (str( self.cor_for_executive_summary)) cu.user_message(msg2) return [msg]